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Health Benefits of Star Fruit

Paint Stains

The Star Fruit comes from the Averrhoa carambola tree that is native to Asia, but is also cultivated in most tropical areas of the world, deriving it’s name from it’s star shaped cross-section. It’s relatively small in size, between 4 and 8 inches long, with a “sweet and sour” flavor.

Nutritional facts: Star fruits are very rich in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, phosphorous, iron, and calcium. It’s also a good source of fiber, amino acids and anti-oxidants.

A 100-gram serving of star fruit usually contains:

– 21 grams of Vitamin C

– 9 grams of carbohydrates

– 3 grams of fiber

– 0.4 grams of fat

– 0.5 grams of protein

– 33 calories, approximately.

Health benefits: Besides the known benefits of its vitamin and mineral composition such as skin health, nerve functions, healthy bones, digestion, blood oxygenation, cancer prevention, star fruits are also known to effective in hormone regulation, specifically in the thyroid gland as well as helping to regulate appetite and sleeping, making it becoming a growing member in the diets of families with small children. It is also a popular home remedy in treating fevers, headaches, and even curing hangovers.

Its “sweet and sour” flavor make it a tasty choice for natural juice enthusiasts, which surprisingly enough, can also be used to remove iron and paint stains, and also acts as an effective solution for cleaning metals. The star fruit’s skin is rich in tannin, which regulates the intestine, and can be used to treat diarrhea and dysentery. The leaves and roots, if ground up in a mortar and pestle, boiled, and then extracted, can be used help alleviate symptoms of childhood diseases such as measles and chickenpox.

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Health risks: Because the star fruit is rich in oxalic acid, it can be particularly harmful to patients with severe renal problems. This happens because star fruit contains a toxin, which is normally filtered by the kidney and removed from the body through the urine. In people whose kidneys already have problems in performing the function of filtering the blood, this toxin along with the high quantities of potassium present in the fruit, are not expelled from the body, accumulating in the bloodstream. This can lead to convulsions, arrhythmia and neurological disfunction.

Thus, it’s important to consult a physician or nutritional expert to answer any questions you may have. Otherwise, for healthy people, the star fruit is a powerful ally in helping them stay that way.

Consumption: The star fruit may be eaten “right off the tree” (although it might be wise to rinse it in cold water). It can also be made into jams, syrup, and juices, which are often used in preparing elaborate desserts such as mousses, pies, as well as dressing for salads and other dishes.

Star Fruit Jam: Easily made by cooking 1 kg of the fruit along with 4 cups of sugar, melting everything into a smooth syrup and then storing in a clean glass jar once it cools.

Star Fruit Mousse:

– 8 star fruits

– 3 egg whites

– 1 cup of fresh cream

– 10 teaspoons of sugar

Blend the star fruit along with a few tablespoons of water for about a minute and a half or until you get a nice even mixture. Transfer the mixture over to a sauce pan, add in the sugar and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes, mixing it from time to time with a wooden spoon until the mixture has thickened. Whisk the egg whites in a blender until they peak firmly and with the blender still, on, add the syrup until you get a bright custard-like mixture. Then, place the blender bowl in an ice-filled container and continue to blend until the mixture cools down. (This will be easier if your blender if the type that has a detachable upper section, or if you are using one of those slim mixers). Letting this mixture rest, use a separate blender to whisk the fresh cream until it stiffens and slowly add this cream to fruit mixture, blending at the lowest possible speed for about 45 seconds until the final mixture is even. This makes for about 4 servings and looks wonderful if the individual cups are decorated with slices of star-fruit and left in the refrigerator for about 2.5 hours.

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