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Has the Mark of the Beast Come to Mexico?


Mexico has become increasingly dangerous, and people that live there and have the means are going to great lengths to keep themselves safe. Some have hired personal bodyguards, others are renting armored vehicles. Still others are choosing to be implanted with a microchip, manufactured by a company called Xega, so that companies can track their every move. Many Christians believe that in the last days, there will be a leader that will require everybody to take a mark in either their right hand or forehead. Anybody who gets this mark will be doomed to hell. Some believe that this mark, commonly known as the Mark of the Beast, will take the form of a microchip. Has the Mark of the Beast come to Mexico?

What the Bible Says About The Mark

The Bible says in Revelation 13:16-17, “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark orthe name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Another translation says “in their right hand or in their foreheads.”

The “he” that the Bible is referring to is the world leader that is commonly known as the Antichrist. The Bible says that there will be a worldwide leader who will be charismatic, sign a peace treaty with Israel, and will eventually require people to worship him. The Antichrist is the man that will institute the mark.

The Mark of the Beast will also allow people to conduct business transactions. Without it, a person will not be able to buy or sell.

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Xega’s Microchip

Xega’s microchip technology allows the user to be tracked via satellite, like a GPS unit. The chip is currently being used by about 3,000 people, and more are joining their ranks every day. The microchip comes with an alarm that can be placed on a key chain or watch, that can be pressed if the client believes that they are in danger. If anything should happen to them, the police will be able to find them. With kidnappings becoming increasingly more common, people are trying to find some way to protect themselves.

Is Xega’s Microchip the Mark of the Beast?

The microchip that is being implanted in Mexicans for protection is usually implanted in their upper arms, not the hand or forehead. There is no Antichrist figure out there, and the people that are getting the Xega microchip are getting the microchip for protection, not to buy or sell anything. For those reasons, the Xega microchip cannot be the Mark of the Beast.

This doesn’t mean that the Mark of the Beast will not be a microchip. A microchip could be implanted in the right hand or forehead, and it could be used like a credit card to buy or sell. While a microchip could become the Mark of the Beast, you cannot get the Mark of the Beast today. Some Christians might want to choose to avoid getting implanted with the microchip for other reasons, including not wanting to support the development of this technology, but nobody is being damned to hell in Mexico for getting this particular microchip.

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Marcano, Ninoska. “With Armor, Microchips, Mexicans Gird for ‘Days of Terror'”. Miami Herald. February 6, 2009. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/americas/story/890545.html

The Bible
