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Hartz Help! Stay Off Training Aid for Pets

Stink Bug

Training a dog or cat to stay away from a certain area inside or outside the home can be challenging. Pets usually go where they want, and sometimes the word “go” means something exceptionally unpleasant. Animals who have accidents in the house sometimes go back to the same spots because even after cleaning, the odors often remain deep within the fibers of the carpet. Pet hair can also be a problem. It’s nice to have a little help when trying to keep pets away from certain areas of the home.

Keep Pets Away Indoors and Outdoors

Help is on the way for pet owners who want to keep their dog or cat away from certain indoor and outdoor locations. The Hartz company offers a product called “Help Stay Off Training Aid.” Hartz Help Stay Off Training Aid is designed to help pet owners keep their pets away from select areas outside as well as inside the home.

Product Claims

This product could be helpful for pets who refuse to stay off furniture, pets that go into specific rooms they shouldn’t, and pets who are soiling specific areas of the home. This spray also claims to be useful in keeping pets out of flowerbeds, bushes, trees, decks, and other outdoor areas. If you don’t want a pet in a certain location, this product claims it will keep pets away.

This type of product would be very helpful for pet owners who are training their pets, but does Hartz Help Stay Off Training Aid really work? The following review will help pet owners decide if this training aid is worth purchasing. If you want your pet to stay away from a particular area in your home, you’ll find this review helpful in your product purchase decision.

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Product Description

Hartz Help! Stay Off Training Aid comes in a 14-ounce aerosol can, and one can provides many applications. The can is white with purple letters, and it is topped by a purple plastic cap. The active ingredient in the product is methyl nonyl ketone, and this key ingredient makes up 2 percent of the contents of the product.

Instructions for Use

Instructions say to use the product in conjunction with proper training. Areas where pets aren’t invited should be lightly sprayed. If you’re afraid of damaging fabric, carpets, or other items, consider spraying a cloth and laying it in the area you want your pets to avoid. The spray can be used each day or as necessary while the pet is being trained to stay away from a certain area indoors or outdoors. It’s not necessary to shake the can before spraying.

Product Warnings

The warning section on the can is more extensive than the actual instructions. Warnings say to test questionable areas and check for damage before proceeding to spray an entire area. Also, this product says it could stain or soften certain plastics and fabrics. Edges of flowerbeds, bushes, and trees can be sprayed, but the product shouldn’t be sprayed directly on foliage. This product also warns that dogs typically have established patterns of urination, and unless the dog is in the process of being trained, a training aid such as this isn’t likely to break a bad habit.

Personal Experience With Hartz Help Stay Off Training Aid

I have used Hartz Help! Stay Off Training Aid to keep my cat off the top level of a bunk bed. The comforter was always covered with cat hair, and I bought this product in an effort to keep my cat from shedding on the bed. I didn’t want to spray the product directly on bedding, so I sprayed it on a rag and placed the rag on the bed. I must admit, Hartz Help! Stay Off Training Aid worked quite well. My cat didn’t want to get near the top level of the bunk bed, and she found a more appropriate place to sleep.

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In my opinion, Hartz Help! Stay Off Training Aid smells like a stink bug. Although the product smells bad, the bad smell doesn’t permeate an entire room, and it is tolerable to humans. Pets definitely don’t like this odor. My cat runs in the other direction when she gets a whiff of the spray. This product is definitely a deterrent to cats, and I’m sure dogs won’t like the scent either. I highly recommend using Hartz Help! Stay Off Training Aid if you want your dog or cat to stay away from specific areas of your home or yard.

Ways in Which This Product Could Be Improved Upon

I’d say the scent of this product could be improved, but it’s the scent that drives pets away from specific areas. There really aren’t any ways to improve upon Hartz Help! Stay Off Training Aid. This product does what it claims to do, and it provides helpful tips and warnings in order to successfully train pets to stay away from certain areas of the home, inside and out. Visit the Hartz website if you’d like additional information about this product.