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Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts for Grandma (Made by Kids)

Gifts for Grandma, Mother's Day crafts, Refrigerator Magnets

When it comes to Mother’s Day in our family, we make sure it’s not just about celebrating Mom. Our kids have a very special Grandma, who receives plenty of attention, love and handmade gifts from the grandkids (maybe even more than they give Mom).

If your family is anything like ours (crafty, thrifty and very sentimental), then handmade gifts are the way to go, and Grandma is at the top of the list. Here are five very special handmade Mother’s Day gifts that Grandma will – of course – love, and that kids can help out with:

1. Personalized tote bag

Convert a plain canvas tote bag into a work of art just for Grandma. Paint the canvas with acrylics, or let your kids help decorate the bag with fabric flowers, sequins and ribbon. Cut the letters to spell ‘Grandma’ out of fabric, and glue or sew to the bag. Consider adding pictures of your kids (printed onto fabric), hearts, or messages like “Dan and Erica love Grandma.”

2. “We Love Grandma” book

If your kids are able to write, have them compose dozens of messages to Grandma, describing what they love about her. Let younger kids draw on pages or trace their handprints. Add a few pages yourself, then compile all the messages into a book. This will become Grandma’s favorite Mother’s Day gift ever (known from experience), and will be something she can read over and over again.

3. Sculpted ‘love’ plaque

Consider this a 3-D Mother’s Day card! Using a simple modeling material like Crayola’s Model Magic, have your kids create a relief sculpture onto a flat piece of cardboard. Have them sculpt a portrait of Grandma, hearts and love messages, or a favorite memory. After drying, these sculptures can be painted to add color (with watercolor or acrylics). The finished plaques can be framed or attached to mat board before giving to Grandma.

See also  Mother's Day Crafts for Preschool Children

4. Custom flower pot

Older kids can paint a terra cotta flower pot for Grandma with designs and Mother’s Day messages of their choice. If you have younger kids, dip their hands in paint and apply handprints all over the sides of a flower pot. Consider planting Grandma’s favorite flowers in the empty pots.

5. Autographed photo frame

Make sure you take a really great sentimental or funny photo of Grandma with the grandkids. Mat the photo with plain white mat board, then have your kids write thoughtful and funny messages, good memories, or reasons they love their Grandma on the mat board surrounding the photo.

Need more ideas for handmade Mother’s Day gifts for Grandma? Try your hand at tissue paper or fabric flower bouquets, custom refrigerator magnets, personalized stationery, handmade polymer clay jewelry, or hand-painted t-shirts. And just remember, no matter what you or the kids make, Grandma will love it – guaranteed.

More from this contributor:
– 4 Easy Mother’s Day Crafts for Dads
Mother’s Day Craft: Create a Custom Decoupage Notepad
– How to Make a Polymer Clay Heart Pen