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Handmade Craft Marketing Ideas

Handmade Crafts, Marketing Ideas, Sell Crafts

Cooperative Advertising
Handmade craft professionals can easily market their wares by combining their financial and network resources. Cooperative advertising is one of the Handmade Craft marketing ideas that are effective among groups. Join a local organization or arts group that are focused on crafts or small businesses. Members of your group can identify advertising opportunities in print, radio or television publications to market and sell crafts. Large publications like national magazines and radio networks can be too expensive for individual crafters to afford.

Craft and business groups can benefit from the opportunity by dividing the expense among members. Set a fee for the entire group and hire a graphic designer to create layouts compatible with the publications. This opportunity could also be open to select members interested in marketing crafts with cooperative advertising. No matter which method you choose, it will reduce the expenses for everyone involved. A full page or sizable advertisement in some magazines and online newsletters cost $2,000 or more. That cost could go down to $100 and less if there are enough people in your craft group.

Business Card Marketing with Partners
Once you have business cards made for your Crafts, this marketing idea becomes essentially free. Trade business cards with other craft professionals who are getting a steady amount of sales. These individuals do not have to be marketing the same handmade crafts as you are. It may even work out better if everyone had a different product to sell. Everyone can then make an agreement to send out one or two business cards with every order that they receive.

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This is one of the easiest Handmade Craft Marketing ideas that bring in customers. The only expense is related to your purchase of business cards and maybe postage if you are mailing them to crafters out of town. There are many craft related groups that can be found online. It will not be difficult to find some that operate as a small community organization with regular meetings. You may even find one that solely operates online and has advantages for marketing crafts.

Holiday Group Shows
It is not rare to find people hosting art shows to market their craft business. Some of these shows take place during evenings or on the weekends. However, they may be scheduled to occur on random days. Adjusting these Handmade Craft marketing ideas could help you sell more crafts. Much like cooperative advertising, get a group of crafters together and host an art show.

Instead of hosting one at random, schedule them to coincide with popular holidays and other special occasions. Rent out a small space and pick theme that every exhibitor must represent in their display or items sold. Arts and craft shows can be one of the most laid back Handmade Craft marketing ideas or the liveliest. The atmosphere of art and craft shows will depend on how you plan them. It is also a good opportunity to meet new craft professionals that may be able to help with other marketing plans.