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Guyana Black Cake

Guyana, Royal Icing


Guyanese world wide love eating this special “black cake” it has been around since the beginning of Guyana’s rich history. The Caribbean islands that are close to Guyana also have similar versions that they also enjoy on special occasions.

1 lb. raisins
1/2 lb. currants
1/4 lb. prunes
1 cup rum
1 1/2 lbs. brown sugar, packed (3 1/4 cups)
1/2 lb. butter
6 eggs, beaten
1/2 lb flour (2 cups)
1 tsp. mixed spice ( cinnamon, cloves,nutmeg, allspice)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder



2 egg whites
1/2 lb. icing confectioners’ sugar (2 cups)
1/2 tsp. almond essence (extract)
1/2 lb. ground almonds (2 cups)


2 egg whites
1 lb. icing confectioners’ sugar (4 cups)
Juice of 1 lemon

THE CAKE: Wash and dry fruit. Grind fruit and soak with 3/4 cup of rum or wine. Store in a covered, glass jar let it sit for 2 weeks or longer the idea is to make sure that the wine or rum infuses with the fruit.

TO MAKE CARAMEL, heat 1 lb. of sugar in a thick bottomed frying pan until melted; must simmer until dark brown. Let cool.

Cream butter and 1/2 lb (250 g) sugar well, add beaten eggs a little at a time; add soaked fruits and rum or wine, stirring well, and enough caramel to make it as dark as desired.

Add sifted flour with baking powder and mixed spice . (found in most supermarkets)

Pour mixture into baking pan, greased and lined with waxed paper. Bake in a slow oven at 300 F. for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Test the middle of the cake with a sharp knife. If it comes out clean it is finished.

See also  How to Make Dump Cake

Sprinkle additional rum/wine over cake immediately after it is baked. Repeat a few times. Allow cake to remain in pan for 2 to 3 days.

THE MARZIPAN: Beat egg whites to a stiff froth, stir in ground almonds, sugar and almond essence to make a paste.

Remove cake from the pan, place on a cake plate. Make sure to use a knife to release the cake from the pan before turning it over. Cover top of cooled cake with almond paste. Roll rest of paste thinly to cover sides. Allow to dry 1 day before icing.

ROYAL ICING: Beat egg whites to froth, add sugar, a little at a time, beating well after each addition. Add lemon juice and sugar and continue to beat until mixture forms peaks.

Dip a spatula in hot water and smoother the icing over the almond paste. A second layer may be applied when the first is thoroughly dried this is done to make sure there is a thick and smooth surface.

Be creative and decorate your cake in what ever style or color that you like. You can buy silver balls and flowers from your local craft store.


  • Caribbean Cake
  • Fruit Cake
  • Guyana Cake