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Get Paid to Write

Get Paid to Write, Paid to Write

If you want to earn some extra cash online but do not like clicking on advertisements or reading E-Mail advertisements then you may be interested to try writing articles for extra cash! There are many programs out on the Internet that gives you the opportunity to write about your favorite topic and get paid for writing them!

Now let me introduce you to the different types of pay to write sites.

Some pay to write sites like Associated Content allows writers to choose any topic to write an article on. No restrictions at all! Articles are usually not rejected unless they violate the website’s rules. For these types of pay to write program, articles are usually published on the pay to write site itself.

Next type of pay to write restricts users to write articles on certain topics, these are usually review articles on certain products or services. The articles will then be reviewed by the website’s panel and reject or accepted to be published base on the quality of the review. Articles written maybe used in other sites as testimonials, advertising purposes or published in the pay to write site itself.

Another type of pay to write scheme can actually be called pay to blog, because you earn cash through blogging! There are a few of such websites that offer these programs but I will not advertise them here. These sites usually restrict their writers to certain topics and are usually review writing on products or services. Writers will have to blog an article about their chosen topic and notify the pay to blog admin. Not all blogs will qualify for pay to blog programs. Most pay to blog web admin will do a check on your blog, mainly to determine your blog traffic, number of backlinks and search engine rank. If search engine rank, backlinks or blog traffic does not hit a specific target these blog to pay sites will not accept your blog. In short your blog must be widely popular.

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These pay to write/blog sites are able to pay their writers because their writers’ articles can help them to generate revenue, mainly through advertisements. These sites will then pay a portion of revenue generated from advertisements to their writers. The commission percentage ranges from 50% to more than 90%. Therefore if your articles are able to generate lots of clicks on the advertisements that are located beside the article, you will be able to get lots of commission. But be reminded, you are not supposed to ask your readers to click on the advertisements! Other sites like Associated Content pays you by the number of views on your articles.

Sites that require writing review articles may pay writers a fix amount of money per review. Payout ranges from $5 to over $50 these depend on the difficulty of the reviewed topic and the quality of the review article.

Lastly remember to read the sites FAQ, Private Policy and Rules to get a better idea of how the site function. And make sure you do not break any rules or your account may be suspended.

All the best in writing!
