Karla News

‘Future Children’ Anti-Romney Video Likely to Anger Adults

COMMENTARY | A sure sign of how both creepy and desperate the Obama campaign has become has been the release by the Future Children Project of a children’s choir singing about how they blame their parents for the horrors a Romney presidency will cause.

Apparently, according to Fox News, the kids believe that Mitt Romney will cause everything from environmental devastation to sick people dying to Big Bird getting fired. It is an angry and off-putting ad that is likely to backfire. No parent wants to hear their kids throw what is in effect a tantrum set to music. The reaction is likely to be, “Your mom and I are voting for Romney and you’re going to like it. So go do your homework and stop pestering me.”

The video has a strange parallel in a previous work released during the 2008 campaign of fresh-faced, well scrubbed kids singing their praises of Barack Obama, as reported by Hot Air at the time. The previous video, called “Sing for Change,” was during the optimistic Hope and Change era of Obama’s political career. It was shot in appealing color and the kids seemed to be happy and optimistic.

Not so the current video, shot in ominous black and white, with the kids singing in an air of fear and rage. They sound as if they have been told to sing as if their very lives depend on it. It shows in the lyrics and the scared expressions on the children’s faces.

What an adult sees when he or she watches the Future Children’s video is a group of kids being subjected to soft-core child abuse. No ordinary parent is going to subject their kids to such an exercise, even in a cause they happen to agree with. That idea that the Bad Man (Romney) is going to end all happiness if he is elected has been stuffed into these kids’ young skulls full of mush is not going to have the effect on most adults as was intended.

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Indeed it can be safely say that most voters, if their vote is motive at all by the video, will cast their votes against the people who perpetrated this atrocity.