I have come across quite a few father’s day gift ideas. Humor is my area of excellence though. There were so many unique and hilarious gift ideas this year. I have my favorites though.

I really fell in love with items like the Beer Belt, Beer Helmet, and Binoculars Double Flask. These are such brilliant ways to get wasted. If only we put our knowledge to good. Whether your dad wants to wear his beer on his head, waste, or neck, we will find a way to please the alcoholics of the world. We got to have some kind of release.

I also like the Truck Nuts. If your dad wants to show how badass he is in his truck this year then this is the perfect gift for him.

There are other extremely funny but immature gifts like the Fart Machine and the ButtFace Towel. The Fart Machine is just hilarious when everyone is around and quiet just let her rip. The Buttface towel is just for your own humor but still so hilarious.

My next favorite is the $100 Bill Toilet Paper. Anyone would feel rich wiping their rears with this delectable gift.

The Remote Control Middle Finger is so funny. This is an amazing conversation starter when you have guests over. Just pull out the remote and let the finger rise!

Last but definitely not least we have our stress releivers. Two great gifts I found were the Old Fart Slippers for dad to lounge around the house in and the Shove it Pen. What breaks the tension better when paying bills then staring at an ass on your desk. Pretty funny if you ask me.

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There are many sites out there to help people like you who can’t find the right gift for your dad. I have included the links I researched because they are so great. I found so many hilarious items on these sites and highly recommend these gifts for your Dad this year.

Beer Belt

Truck Nuts

Fart Machine

ButtFace Towel

Remote Control Middle Finger

Shove It Pen

Old Fart Slippers

Binoculars Double Flask

$100 Bill Toilet Paper

Beer Helmet
