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Fun Facts About Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter Character

Remus Lupin is another supporting character that Harry Potter fans simply love. This character is interesting for so many different reasons. With his work in the Order of the Phoenix and his protecting of Harry Potter, it’s easy to see why so many people love Remus Lupin. The following are just a few fun facts about this interesting Harry Potter character.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin #1: Is a Werewolf

Sometime before his 11th birthday, Remus Lupin was bitten by a werewolf. In fact, he was bitten by one of the most dangerous werewolves, Fenrir Greyback. Being a werewolf has played an important and devastating role in Lupin’s life.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin #2: First Name Is a Play on Words

The name Remus is actually a play on words. Remus was a man who helped found Rome and as a baby was raised by wolves. Even his last name translated into Latin means “wolf. J.K. Rowling has done an amazing job at naming her characters and giving them names that were significant.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin #3: Half-Blood

Though it isn’t certain who Remus Lupin’s parents were, we know that this Harry Potter character is a half-blood. This means that one of his parents, or grandparents, had to have been a Muggle.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin #4: Was in Gryffindor

Along with his closest friends, Remus Lupin was in Gryffindor House. He did his best to get good grades and actually disapproved of the tricks James and Sirius played. In other words, this Harry Potter character was very much like Hermione Granger.

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Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin #5: Was a Prefect

This Harry Potter character was such a good student that he became a prefect for Gryffindor. Lupin worked hard to get others to like him, because of his unfortunate condition. Any success at all was very important to this Harry Potter character.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin #6: His Boggart Is……

As we know a boggart is something we deeply fear. For Remus Lupin, this would of course be the full moon. He does everything he can to avoid transforming into a werewolf, even taking a potion, but the full moon is still a frightening reminder of what he is.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin #7: First Appearance

This Harry Potter character first appeared in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Chapter 5. We first met Remus Lupin as a man in the train cabin with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. When the dementors attack, Remus Lupin is the one who saves Harry.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Remus Lupin #8: Nickname Is Moony

Remus, Sirius, James, and Peter all had nicknames. Remus Lupin’s nickname was of course Moony. You will find their nicknames on the famous Marauder’s Map, which they created to help Lupin escape the Hogwarts grounds when it was time for his monthly change.
