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Fun Age Appropriate Toys for 6-Month-Old Babies

Bathtime, Jumperoo, Toys for Babies

By the time six months rolls around, your baby is probably sitting confidently, and some may be becoming more mobile by rolling, scooting, shuffling, and even crawling. It’s exhausting trying to keep up with them, so it’s important to find the right toys to keep them entertained. Here are some great toys for babies in this age and developmental category:

The jumperoo is essentially a spring loaded bouncer that suspends from a stationary stand. You place your baby in the seat and let them have at it! Think of it as a trampoline for babies. There are many cool toys attached to the sides such as rollers, buttons, and some even have toys suspended in the air for your baby to try and catch or bat at while he jumps up high! This toy is great for pre-crawlers and pre-standers because all that jumping builds great leg strength. Not only that, but it gives parents a moment to sit on the couch and temporarily recollect their sanity while their baby wears himself out.
My daughter used to have the Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo, which is probably the most popular one on the market to date. Although she lost interest in it by the time she learned to crawl, I have heard of some babies loving them even after they learn to walk.

V-Tech Sit-to-Stand Walker

The V-Tech Sit-to-Stand Walker is an excellent multipurpose toy for sitters, babies who pull up, and even those who are walking. I love the fact that I know I am getting a toy for her that she will use for more than one month without losing interest. For sitters, there is a removable upright panel that is full of bright piano keys, doors to flap open and close, gears to turn, and fun music to jam out to. This is essentially a vertical-standing activity table for babies who aren’t pulling up yet.

Bath Time Fun
It’s a sad, but exciting time knowing that your baby is growing up and developing so quickly. If you have been previously bathing your infant in a baby sling bathtub then its time to remove the sling. I was very nervous at first, but this can be a turning point if your little one hates baths! While sitting upright, they have free range to explore and splash their hands in the water. Now is a perfect time to celebrate by purchasing some fun bath toys for your munchkin to bob around for.

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My daughter instantly fell in love with the Sassy Bathtime Pals Squirt and Float Toys. She thought it was hilarious when we filled them with water and sprayed them on her tummy. She also loves staring in awe at the Munchkin Bathtime Ball as we fill it up with water and let it pour out of all the little holes like a showerhead. This toy is perfect for inquisitive little minds anxious to learn how the world works.

Babies who are sitting and playing, but not yet crawling and pulling to stand are possibly at the best age ever in my opinion. These are three great educational and developmentally appropriate toys for babies six months in age.