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Free, Printable Sign Language Worksheets

American Sign Language, ASL, Bsl, Learn a Second Language, Sign Language

The following free, printable sign language worksheets can be used as a way for homeschool children to learn a second language. The free, printable sign language worksheets can be used at home for those who have deaf people living in their homes.

During high school in our home economics classes we learned the basic sign language alphabet. I can still sign some of the letters of the alphabet. I have a niece who wanted a sign language book for Christmas one year. She wanted the book so she could learn the language to talk with some of the deaf students in her school.

Learning sign language as another language could be valuable for those who work with the public. When I worked in the grocery business, there were several customers who frequented the store I worked in who were deaf. They could also read lips. They knew the workers didn’t know how to read sign language and they would write down what they needed to say to us. Some of them would talk and I could understand them enough to answer their questions.

If you find yourself in this situation, use these worksheets to learn sign language. You will be surprised at the people you come in contact with that are deaf. They will appreciate you more for being able to help them in a language they can understand since they can’t hear or speak.

Free, Printable Sign Language Worksheets

ASL (American Sign Language) Alphabet

This sheet can be printed as a chart for those who are learning sign language. It can be used for making the the flashcards named ASL (American Sign Language) Alphabet Flashcards above. You can use it as an answer guide for those.

See also  How Do Children Learn Languages so Quickly?

Label the Letters A through M in ASL

This is a printout worksheet that is used for those learning the alphabet for sign language. They will have to write the correct letter to the hand motion letter.

Label the Letters N through Z in ASL

This is the second worksheet for labeling the sign language letters.

Lesson Tutor: Learn American Sign Language (ASL) and Signed English (SE)

There are three links at the top that will give you more sign language to learn. Each of the links has worksheets and valuable information for those who want to learn American Sign Language and Signed English.

There are three American Sign Language for the Deaf Series. Each of the lessons are free to print. There are a few links that will take you to websites that are selling sign language books. There are a few other sign language worksheets for religion, wordsearches, and back to school warm ups.

More Sources for Free Printable Sign Language Worksheets

DTLK’s ASL Alphabet Coloring Pages

These are sign language coloring sheets for the American Sign Language. There are ten coloring sheets to a page. Click the next ten link to gain access for more coloring pages.

British Sign Language Fingerspelling Alphabet Coloring Pages

I had to look at these sign language coloring pages to see what the difference was. The difference is how the words for each of the objects are signed. You will see the difference by clicking on the coloring pages of the ASL and BSL pages to see the difference in the upper right-hand corner.