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Four Common Causes of Itchy Feet

Itchy Rash, Scabies

There’s nothing more annoying than a bad case of itchy feet. This symptom can be particularly annoying when you’re required to wear shoes. Unfortunately, it’s not socially acceptable to pull off your shoes in public to relieve the itch. While a variety of conditions can cause itchy feet, there are four predominant causes of this symptom you’ll want to know about.

Cause of itchy feet: Eczematous dermatitis

This is an extremely common cause of itchy feet as well as on other areas of the body. It’s caused by the loss of the fatty layer that normal covers the feet and protects them from drying. This can happen due to frequent bathing and the use of soaps that are too harsh. As a result, the skin becomes dehydrated with areas of redness and irritation as well as persistent itching. The solution is to cut back on long baths and use unscented soaps and heavy duty moisturizers, preferably ones containing lactic acid. Sometimes steroid creams are needed to treat this condition and stop the scratch-itch cycle.

Cause of itchy feet: Contact dermatitis due to an allergic reaction

This is also a common cause of itchy feet. It usually involves a reaction to something that comes in contact with the feet and sets off an allergic response. This can range from reaction to the interior fabric of a new shoe to a plant that you stepped on outside. The most obvious symptom is a red, intensely itchy rash. The best treatment is to determine what’s causing the allergic reaction and avoid it. If you recently purchased a new pair of shoes or walked around barefoot outside, this could be the cause of your symptoms. Cold compresses and antihistamines can help with the itching, but steroid based skin creams may be needed in severe cases.

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Cause of itchy feet: Athlete’s foot

This cause of itchy feet usually gives rise to scaling, peeling, and cracking on the soles of the feet and between the toes. It’s usually caused by an encounter with the Trichophytan fungus that causes this condition. The fungus invades and sets up an infection when the feet become moist or otherwise irritated which provides an ideal environment for the fungus to grow and thrive. As you might imagine, walking around barefooted in the gym locker room or pool in the summer can put you at higher risk. The treatment is to reduce foot moisture and use anti-fungal medications designed for Athlete’s foot.

Cause of itchy feet: Scabies

If you were exposed to the infamous human itch mite, you may have developed a case of scabies. This tiny mite crawls beneath the upper layer of skin and reproduces, while at the same time causing an intensely itchy rash. If you look closely, you can sometimes see visible burrows where the mite has traveled beneath the superficial layers of the skin. Characteristically, the itching is more pronounced at night when you’re trying to get some much needed sleep. Scabies can involve any part of the body not just the feet and can be transmitted from person to person. The treatment is with a scabicide lotion or cream available by prescription.

Although this isn’t a comprehensive list of causes of itchy feet, these are four you should certainly consider if you can’t stop scratching. Keep in mind the more you scratch, the more it itches, so see your doctor and try to keep your hands away from your feet until then.American Family Physician. Volume 68, No. 6. September 15, 2003. pages 1135-1142