Karla News

Football Jersey Pillow

Man Cave

Football jersey
Pillow form
Sewing machine, needle and thread, or fabric glue

No, the dry cleaner didn’t shrink your football jersey, and you know it. Now, you just have to accept it, and move on. Like, make something out of the jersey, and it won’t be hanging there in the closet, laughing at you. A pillow is good a good way to keep the jersey from harassing you and you’ll end up with a nice home accent piece. Oh, you’re a guy? You don’t want to hear phrases like “home accents”? Well, let’s get to work on that throw pillow for your man cave, then.

If you can sew, great; if not, no problem. You won’t have to learn how to sew in order to own a manly, football jersey pillow. Use a jersey that features a button-down design, or one without buttons. If the shirt does have buttons, go ahead and button them up. No matter what kind of jersey you have, lay it out flat on a table, so that the front of the shirt is facing up.

From the side, cut across the shirt, just below the underarm area, and go from one side to the other. If you’re using a button-down shirt, cut well below a button, to leave room for sewing or gluing. Fold the shirt in half and use the cut edge to cut the opposite side, making the pillow as wide as you wish. With the two cuts made, sew or glue one of them shut. If you’ll be sewing, turn the shirt wrong side-out, and sew straight across one side. If you’ll be gluing, use fabric glue, turn the shirt wrong side-out, and glue one end shut.

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If you’re sewing, you’re ready to move onto the next step. If you’re gluing, wait until the glue is completely set, and then move on. A pillow form for the football jersey can be found at a craft store and, sometimes, at a place where fabric is sold. Measure the jersey shape and choose a form that is the same width, but a little shorter than the shirt section. Slide the pillow form into the shirt and sew or glue the pillow shut.

If you don’t have a football jersey, use a different sports jersey. Or, a pillowcase works well. First, cut it in half. If the pillowcase is wider than what you want for the new pillow, cut one side off of it, and restitch or glue it. Put the pillow form in it, sew or glue it shut, and then use a paint marker. Write a player’s number, a ball team logo, or another design on the cloth. Plop down on the couch and use your new, man cave pillow.
