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Five Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting Snow Tires

Snow Tires, Winter Season

It’s not too late to get a fresh pair of tires, and you’ll need a set of quality snow tires if you’re planning on traveling over icy streets this winter season. Snow tires are essential for traveling and commuting in the northern states, and as the inches of snow turn to miniature mountains of their own, you need as much protection from the hazardous conditions as possible. Finding the right snow tires can be challenging, especially if it’s your first time; here are five mistakes to avoid when selecting your snow tires:

#1: Mixing different types of snow tires. Even when you seem to be getting a deal from different sellers on your front and rear tires, it’s bet to stay consistent and purchase an entire set of four at once. Uneven tread can make it hard to keep the car in control on those icy roads, and you’ll be able to maneuver the car with ease when the tires are all in the same condition. Pick a matching set of four instead of two, and you’ll have much more balanced vehicle.

#2: Picking studded snow tires. These super-powered snow tires are well-equipped to handle very slippery roads, but studded tires are prohibited in some states. Make sure you’re complying with local and state laws by contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles before your purchase.

#3: Choosing extra-wide snow tires. Wide tires are much better suited for summer driving, so look for narrow and compact styles to get you through winter season. Narrow tires have much better traction for slippery roads, and you reduce the chances of getting stuck!

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#4: Picking the lowest price snow tires. The range of snow tires available depends on the make and model of your vehicle, but you don’t have to settle for the ‘universal fit.’ The medium-priced tires will give you a quality set that you can use this season, and beyond. It’s a good idea to ask about packages where the dealer can provide mounting and balancing services along with your purchase.

#5: Believing your ABS brakes will make up for a cheap snow tire purchase. ABS brake systems only work with tires that provide enough traction; you won’t have any better grip on your car by choosing low quality tires and thinking the brakes will take care of the rest! Remember that your car can skid and slide without any braking involved at all.

Snow tires are a necessity for Canadian drivers and anyone driving in the northern states during the winter season. Not only will you have more confidence on the road, but you’ll be able to get through poor driving conditions safely, and maneuver through snow, ice, and slush with ease. For your car’s most efficient performance, snow tires need to be changed back to regular tires as soon as the season is over. Avoid skidding and spinning with a simple investment; snow tires are essential for surviving winter season with safety in mind–and, stress-free!