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Five Ideas for Outdoor Tree Decorations

Evergreen Trees

Outdoor trees are excellent ideas for decorating during the holiday season. This article will give you some suggestions for making your yard look festive during the holidays.

Use them as a backdrop for your central theme. If you have a cluster or group of evergreen trees, why not consider using them as a backdrop for your theme. A theme could be a North pole type of scene with a Santa’s workhouse. You could have a Nativity scene in the center of your trees. If you have the blown air type of displays, you could easily place these among your trees. Even if you don’t have evergreen trees, you could still use your trees as a same type of backdrop.

A bird and animal refuge. I have only seen this done once before. However, I thought that it was important to mention here. With all the leaves off the trees by December, a man near our town set up a bird and animal refuge tree. On the stronger limbs close to the bottom of the tree, he placed squirrel feeding stands. On the stand he would wire a hard corn cob to it. He had three or four of these. Up higher in the tree, he placed bird feeders. On the ground close to the tree, he secured a salt lick and deer feeder. From his house, he had two spotlights that shined on the tree at night. this was so it could be viewed in the early evening or early morning hours.

Color Balance. Balance is very important when it comes to lighting. We have all seen the tree, that is lighted on one half, but not the other. Either spread your colored lights out or just go with a solid set of the same lights. Balance is very important, when it comes to holiday decorations of any type. Larger trees are harder to decorate, than small trees. They take more lights and wiring, as well as power. One way, to hold lights on a tree, is by using plastic slip through tie clips. You can easily cut them, once the holidays are over.

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Colored Spot Lights. Instead of climbing ladders and using lots of lights and wire, use a spot light from the ground level. Some homes have the adjustable lights that focus on the house. Simply rotate them towards your trees and place a colored light in it’s place. You may even want to put two lights together. This will allow you to create a color blend. If you don’t have spot lights, you can easily find them at Lowe’s.

White lights. In recent years, more and more families are going to the use of white lights only. This is because they feel that colored lights are too commercial. More and more, individuals are going to the simplest form of lighting. Everything else on a tree can be of different colors, but the lights remain white. White lights are brighter and bring out the true colors of other decorations. White lights always have the simple affect. To many, simple is always best.