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Fishing: How to Bait a Hook Using Worms

Baiting a hook is a simple task that anyone is able to do. I know there are some out there that will not bait a hook if live bait is being used. And that’s ok. I will go over how to hook artificial bait as well. There are several ways to hook your bait depending on what type of bait you will be using. There are some fishermen and women who will argue till their blue in the face that there is only one way of doing things especially baiting a hook. I on the other hand believe that there is more than one way to skin a cat even at baiting a hook.

Let us start off with live worms. There are many types of worms used as bait, it does not matter what type of worm it is, that not what’s important. The important thing is that the bait stays on the hook. Ok now to the baiting part. First look at the size of hook you are using and try to find a worm that is about twice as long as your hook is. If the worms are to long you can always cut them to the length you want. Now that we got our worm sized up lets get it on the hook now. Take the worm in one hand and the hook in the other hand. Now push the worm over the hook like the worm was a sock and the hook was the foot. Once the top of the worm is at the top of the hook you can stop and you are done. The rest of the worm can just be left the way it is.

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Another way to hook the worm is to just push the hook through the worm at one end and then wrap the worm around the hook once or twice and push the hook through the worm again. Both of these methods secure the worm on the hook and make it harder for the fish to steal the bait off the hook.

Now let us talk about baiting the hook with an artificial worm. The artificial worm goes on the same way I described how the first live worm went on. Just like a sock but this time when the tip of the worm reaches the top of the hook you need to push the hook through the worn that way the worm can hang straight down and the sharp tip of the hook is exposed. You need to push the hook through on an artificial worm because an artificial worm is tougher than a real worm and when a fish bites the bait its hard for the hook to be pushed through the rubber worm and so in return when you try to set the hook you might just pull it out of the fishes mouth without hooking the fish.

One final tip that can make baiting a hook faster especially if the fish are biting well and you are catching them fast. Take the box of worms and make sure he lid is on tight and turn it upside down. The worms will move there way down to the bottom where the lid is and when you open it up the worms are on top and you don’t have to search through so much to find them.