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Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium – I Waited Too Long to Buy This Award Winning Product

Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium, why didn’t I purchase this product sooner. I didn’t purchase the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium until my son was one. I didn’t think he would enjoy it. I just thought it was another expensive product that he didn’t need. Never in a million years did I think he was going to enjoy it so much. My son sleeps with the Aquarium attached to his crib every night. I think back now to all of those night he would slept better if I had just bought this sooner.

The Aquarium plays soft classical music and lullabies to help your baby fall asleep. There are five ocean creatures that swim back and forth across the Aquarium. There are also lights that dim on and off on. Bubbles float up and down the aquarium while the fish are swimming. You can pick a different mode. I usually pick the short mode that will shut off by itself in ten minutes. By then your child should have fallen asleep. What is great about this toy is that my son is now old enough that if the music shuts off and he is still awake, he can hit the blue clam shell and the music and fishes will go back on. How wonderful is that. Also if you play the ten minute mode, your child can shut it off by hitting the same blue clam shell if he/she doesn’t want it on. This is a great product.

In order to operate the Aquarium you have to put three D batteries in it. This is not my favorite part of the toy. If your child listens to it as much as my son does then you will need to buy extra batteries right away. They don’t seem to last very long. You don’t want to be caught one night with the batteries dead and no replacements. D batteries are not usually the ones you keep stock of in your house. The battery pack sits outside the crib slats so baby cannot touch them. The battery pack also needs a screwdriver in order to open it, another great safety feature.

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The Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium in as award winning toy. That says a lot about this product. The recommended age on this toy is from 12 months to 3 years. You can purchase this product from BabiesRUs.com for $29.98. The same price of $29.98 from Amazon.com. I highly recommend this product for you child to keep them company in a dark room at night. They will the soothing effect it will have on them to help them fall asleep.