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Film Extra Acting Tips from a Pro – How to Simulate Talking Without Making a Peep

I vividly remember one of my very first moments on an actual film set. Mind you, this was no Hollywood blockbuster. I was a budding actor at the tender age of 14, and while I had stars in my eyes, my resume was not something to be jealous of. Up until this point, I only had a few regional theater credits and a few months with an acting coach.

However, when I received a call asking me to be an extra for a student film, I was ecstatic! I was finally going to see a real film set, well, as real as a Columbia College film student set can be. After telling my mother, and quietly jumping up and down in my room, I prepared myself for the drive to Chicago.

Upon arriving on the film set, I was give my directions for the day. While I was originally confident in my instructions, as I sat and waited for the first take, I began to second-guess my ability.

You see, the instructions were to hold a “conversation” with a lady sitting at my table; however, since the lead actors were holding a conversation, the extras were instructed to simulate talking. Basically, holding a conversation without actually talking, which at first thought seems simple enough.

As an extra, it is your job to act as naturally as possible. And simulating talking is one of the most common tasks a film extra is required to undertake. Thankfully, my partner in the scene was a seasoned film extra, and upon reading the distraught look on my face, she was more than happy to divulge some knowledge my way.

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Below are the tips she gave to me on that fateful day, and I have successfully followed these techniques on every extra film role.

  • · Mouth Your Words – While this may seem simple enough, it definitely takes some practice. Stand in front of a mirror, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance or say a monologue out loud. Take note of your facial expressions, how your mouth moves. Next, repeat the same monologue or saying without actually making a sound. This will feel strange at first, but with a little practice you’ll get a “feel” for silently talking.
  • · Name Your Favorite Fruits – Truth be told, it can be very awkward having a “conversation” with your fellow extra without actually talking. From conversing with many film extras, the most common complaint is running out of things to say – or not knowing what exactly to say. To avoid this situation, and the confused expression that will surely run across your face, recite your favorite fruits. Mouth, “Watermelon, orange, bananas, apples, kiwi, etc.” While you are not saying anything important, the movement of your mouth will look as if you’re holding a full-fledge conversation.
  • ·. As stated earlier, talking in front of the mirror allows you a firsthand look at what your face looks like when you’re casually holding a conversation. Another tip: watch your friends when they talk. Become conscious of your facial movements during casual conversations. One of the most important tips for any actor, whether that be for the lead in a film or a background extra, is to become fully aware of your bodily movements and how they come across to onlookers.