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Easy Ways to Remove Denture Adhesive


Those who wear dentures must use adhesive to keep them in place, and when my grandmother first began wearing dentures she had problems with denture adhesive sticking to the roof of her mouth. It was a frustrating problem in the beginning, but in time she discovered a few easy ways to remove the denture adhesive. After figuring out various ways to remove it without gagging, removing denture adhesive from the roof of her mouth was no longer a serious concern.

If you’re struggling with new dentures and have problems removing denture adhesive, consider the following tips and suggestions. These easy ways to remove denture adhesive are used by denture wearers, and they really work. Try these easy ways to remove denture adhesive, and before long, removing denture adhesive will become routine.

Removing Adhesive From Dentures

The easiest way to remove adhesive from dentures is with a store-bought product such as Fixodent Denture Cleanser or a homemade denture cleanser of your choice. Always use a brush meant especially for dentures, and make sure it’s wet before brushing. This will help prevent scratches and abrasions. It isn’t necessary to brush with force. With warm water, brush away any adhesive and debris using gentle strokes.

Hot Water

If you’re new to wearing dentures you’ve probably noticed that hotter foods tend to slightly loosen the adhesive, no matter which type you use. Many people use the hottest water they can stand to loosen and remove denture bonding material from their mouths. A mouthful of comfortably hot water swished around is usually at it takes. If necessary, brush the gums and the roof of your mouth with hot water and fluoride toothpaste of your choice to help loosen and remove leftover adhesive. It should come right off with gentle brushing and hot water.

Icy Water

Some people prefer using cold water to harden and remove denture adhesive. If you prefer cold water to hot water, try a little ice. It will definitely harden the denture adhesive and make it easier to pick off by hand. If you can’t stand the thought of rinsing or brushing with hot water, give this method a try.

Lessen the Mess

It isn’t necessary to use excessive amounts of denture material to keep them in place. Experiment with smaller amounts to discover the minimum necessary to keep dentures firm and secure. You might find out you’ve been using much more than necessary, and the less you use, the less you’ll have to remove.

Try a New Type

If you’re still having trouble removing denture adhesive from your mouth, consider trying a different type. Many people are satisfied with the holding power of powdered varieties. The film it leaves behind is very easy to brush away, and it might be a better choice if you’re bothered by too much bonding material. Give various types a try until you find the type that works best for you.