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Easy Ways to Live a Greener Lifestyle – Top Ten Green Websites

Deciding to live a greener lifestyle can be somewhat overwhelming, especially since there is so many aspects of green living to consider and the information available seems endless and sometimes even conflicting. What if, like myself, you are merely striving towards a greener personal existence, but not quite ready to completely go solar-vegan-100%recycled-sustainable? We all know about changing our incandescent light bulbs to CFLs and general household recycling, but are there more ways that are less daunting (and expensive) than converting our homes to solar power or buying new hybrid cars? Actually, there are many small changes in personal lifestyle habits that can create significant positive changes in the global environment. Many popular eco-friendly websites provide simple resources to help the reluctant eco-converts in going green. While there are seemingly infinite green websites, these are ten of my personal favorites:

Treehugger.com’s How to Go Green channel includes links to various ways for greening nearly every aspect of your life.

Greenoptions.com offers an e-course, 30 days to a Greener You, available for free via email.

Lime.com’s Live the Change campaign provides a community forum for readers to share their small daily changes in habits than contribute to significant global change.

Dr. David Suzuki’s Nature Challenge is a monthly electronic newsletter program designed to assist in the choice for preservation of nature and enhancement of global quality of life, by providing tips and solutions for maintaining a responsible daily lifestyle.

Worldwatch.org provides 10 Ways to Go Green and Save, a page dedicated to saving money in the short run, while saving the planet in the long run.

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The Green Living channel on Gaiam Community includes links for all aspects of achieving a greener existence.

Care2.com offers tips and information for going green on their GreenLiving channel.

Greenpeace.org provides numerous tips and resources for taking action in creating a greener world.

Yahoo Green allows visitors to join their campaign to save the world from global warming by hosting an interactive carbon footprinting calculator and subsequently providing various resources for the personal reduction of carbon emissions. There are evens interactive tools to help you determine a plan of action for the ongoing prevention of excessive carbon emissions.

Eleventh Hour Action is the companion site to the Leonardo DiCaprio’s Eleventh Hour documentary. This massive site provides solutions for personal change and involvement with grassroots environmental activism information and resources to encourage personal lifestyle contributions to create positive global impacts.

These are but a sample of the many, many Internet resources (don’t forget Earth911.org) available for living a more responsible, green lifestyle. Even one small act makes a difference; one small change will have dramatic effects on the global environment. Remember, it only takes 18 seconds to change a light bulb and how hard is it to choose the recycle bin instead of the waste bin? allows visitors to join their campaign to save the world from global warming by hosting an interactive carbon footprinting calculator and subsequently providing various resources for the personal reduction of carbon emissions. There are even interactive tools to help you determine a plan of action for the ongoing prevention of excessive carbon emissions.