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Easy Bean Bag Chair from Pillowcases

Bean bags are popular – especially with children. Go to a store to purchase a bean bag and if you can find one, you’ll pay plenty for it. Know what’s cheaper and just as nice? A bean bag made from pillowcases. That’s right, you can make nice bean bag chairs – complete with arms – by using four pillowcases.

Whether you’re making bean bag chairs using beans, rice, or styrofoam pellets, you’ll find it extremely easy to make the bean bag chairs using pillowcases. You’ll need four pillowcases – all the same size – to make the chair. Also, make sure any wide hems at the end of the pillowcases have been trimmed away.

Use any kind of pillowcases you want so long as they aren’t slick, like silk pillowcases. The cases can have children’s prints on them or can be striped, solid or another design. You can even make your own pillowcases for this project, using faux fur or even denim.

You’ll need a sewing machine to make the pillowcase bean bag chair. Stuff the first pillowcase with the filler you’re using, such as styrofoam pellets. Sew the pillowcase shut. This first pillowcase should be overstuffed as much as possible, without going too far.

After you’ve filled and stitched the first pillowcase shut stitch the second pillowcase onto the first – before stuffing it. Get very near one long edge of the pillowcase and sew it to one long edge of the stuffed pillowcase. After stitching the two together, stuff the second one but there’s no need to overstuff it as much as the first.

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Position the third pillow case to form the arms of the chair. Stitch the closed end of the arm pillowcase to the closed end of the second pillowcase. To do this, you’ll need to stand the third pillowcase, or arm pillow, on its side. While standing on its side, the arm pillow will be longer than the seat pillow, so trim this one – and the other arm pillow – to fit before stitching it to the back pillow. Now sew the arm pillow to the seat pillowcase which is already stuffed.

Stuff the arm pillowcase and stitch it shut. Add the opposite arm by repeating the steps: cut it to fit, stitch it down the back side pillow and onto the side of the seat pillow. Stuff and stitch shut. The bean bag chair makes a wonderful addition to a kids room, or toss them in front of the fireplace for the children.

You’ll love making the bean bag chairs with pillowcases and they’re very easy to do. Get a person to help you hold the chair while you’re sewing it and things will go much more smoothly. The next thing you know you’ll be making one for every kid you know.


  • Styrofoam pellets