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DIY Wine Rack Designs

If you have your own home bar, a wine rack design is the perfect accessory to add to it. But, it doesn’t mean you can’t have your own wine rack if you don’t have a bar. Wine racks can go anywhere around your home.

But rather than travel all around the world looking for the perfect wine rack for your home, doing it yourself can be cost effective as well as give you something fun to do. There is no reason why you can’t have the things you want. If you can imagine it, then you can do it yourself.

There are several designs that we can look at today. The first wine rack design is rather simple. But, it’s also very elegant.

Two Diamonds

I just made up that name so that you could imagine what it might look like. All it takes to build a two diamond wine rack that holds three bottles of wine are several different lengths of 1″ by ¼” sections of wood. You’ll need four 8″ lengths and eight 4″ lengths to create the two diamonds. Then, you’ll need seven 3″ lengths to run the width of the wine rack. Seven screws hold the wine rack together. It’s the easiest thing in the world to figure out and it’s quite elegant no matter where you put it.

The Wine Tube

The wine tube would probably be the easiest wine rack to put together. It’s so elegant in its incredibly simplistic design that it’s hard to imagine it hasn’t been thought of sooner. A length of wood is really all you need to create this unique wine rack.

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Choose a 2″ wide by 1″ thick by 4-5′ length of wood. The length is really up to you. Depending on how many bottles of wine you want to hold, choose your length of wood accordingly. Drill 1″ diameter holes ½” a part the length of the wood. Attach the wood to the wall with screws and make sure it’s attached to the stud in the wall for security purposes. Some people use thick rubber or plastic separators to give additional distance between the wine rack and the wall. If you alternate bottles of wine on each side of your wine rack, you can put a good amount of standard sized wine bottles on your wall.

Hanging Wine Rack

Another simple design is a hanging wine rack. You can build a wood frame using 2″ by 1″ wood. The length and width of your frame is determined by you. But, a normal size frame could be a small 2″ by 1″ frame. Simply build the frame using nails or screws. For added support, run a middle length of board across the bottom of the frame and your wine will sit better in the frame. Now, suspend your wine rack from the ceiling using a chain and you are finished. Fill your hanging wine rack with bottles of wine and you’ve got yourself quite the wine rack.

Any of these designs is open to your interpretation. These are just guidelines. But, you can make a larger wine rack than just the two diamond shape I mention earlier. The wine tube can have a pyramid dimension that opens wider at the bottom. Your hanging wine rank can have the additional feature of holding wine glasses as well. If you think it, you can make it happen. Do it yourself.

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