Karla News

Disaster Preparedness and Response – The Next Big Business Industry

If there is one thing that entrepreneurs have learned over the centuries is that the economy is nothing but unpredictable. The unpredictable nature of economies make it difficult for most small business to survive long-term, however, this does not meant that establishing a small business is a bad idea. The key is to find a way to tap into what the current market’s needs are. Today, this means being able to tap into disaster response and preparedness industries.

From 9/11 to the Haiti Earthquake

Disasters are a normal part of living on the planet. They come in many shapes, sizes and formats. Some disasters are manmade, such as the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, while others are natural, like the earthquake that struck the capital of Haiti in 2010. When a disaster strikes people are uprooted from their homes and need aid and access to services that will help them to rebuild their lives. Communities also need assistance in finding the best way to rebuild the infrastructures of the region so that their members can return to a normal life as soon as possible.

The cost of rebuilding a community after a disaster can range from hundreds of thousands of dollars to billions of dollars, depending on the nature and severity of the disaster. This money is spent on supplies, raw materials, payroll and other items that are required for reconstructing lives. This money is being paid to companies from around the globe and there is no reason why small businesses cannot find a way to pair what their company has to offer with the needs of those in the disaster preparedness and response industries.

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Disaster Preparedness Needs

The first industry that can be targeted by small business is the disaster preparedness industry. This industry looks at helping people and communities to prepare for a disaster. Services and products that are of value to this industry include earthquake survival kits, storm shelter construction, first aid training, emergency power generators and business continuity planning consultations.

Disaster Response Needs

Disaster responses are usually targeted by larger companies that have the size and presence to get government contracts. However, the United States’ government also encourages small businesses to place bids for disaster response services and products. The key to getting a government contract is to have good credit, to have a good company reputation, to be able to prove that you can deliver and to be willing to take the chance to prepare and place a bid.

In addition to government contracts, small businesses and non-profit organizations can also focus on offering supportive services and products. For example, there is a huge need for clean water, electricity and access to communication stations after a disaster. These services can be offered by small businesses that have the equipment and skills required to purify water, to generate electricity and to set up remote telecommunication services.

