Karla News

Dickson Pediatric Dentistry in Tennessee

I had the opportunity to visit Dickson Pediatric Dentistry located on Highway 70 in Dickson, Tennessee, this week for the first time and I must admit I was thoroughly impressed. I made an appointment for my daughter because of concerns about her bite. Like me, she has a separation between her two front teeth. I was attempting to teach her how to spit water through the separation when I discovered she could not put her teeth together. (I know, how juvenile, but have you ever tried it?)

I called on Monday to make the appointment. The staff was super friendly and very informative. The appointment was the next day, after lunch. I took my daughter to work with me and we left for her appointment. We arrived at Dickson Pediatric Dentistry a few minutes before our appointment time. The waiting area was extremely kid-friendly. Decorated with bright colors and adorned with toys and a television set, the waiting area provided a relaxed environment for my daughter while waiting to see the dentist.

After filling out the required new patient paperwork, we waited our turn in the waiting area. Many parents were in and out with their children; with each one, the staff welcomed them to the office with a smile. When my daughter’s name was called, we were ushered by a tech into the rear of the building, which was also brightly colored and very kid friendly. I truly appreciate the fact that I was allowed to accompany my daughter. Many pediatric dentists require parents to wait while their child has the work done.

My daughter was reclined in a child-sized dental chair and made to feel very comfortable. I sat in a chair near her feet. A television was installed in the ceiling directly above her head so that she could watch television the entire time she was being cleaned and examined. The technician cleaned her teeth and was very careful to explain each step to my daughter before she did anything. The entire process was simple and easy and very comforting to a child.

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After cleaning, my daughter was taken to have x-rays. Within a few minutes, she was back in the chair to wait for the dentist to examine her. Dr. John and Dr. Justin were extremely friendly and chatted with my daughter during her entire time there. Dr. John examined her teeth, he to has a great personality and is very kid friendly. My daughter’s examination revealed that she had absolutely no cavities and she was in great shape.

Dr. John then examined her bite. He referred her to an orthodontist and even called and got us worked in as soon as we could get there. If you are anywhere near the Dickson area and are looking for a dentist for your child, I highly recommend Dr. John and Dr. Justin and Dickson Pediatric Dentistry. Their entire staff is excellent and provides exemplary service!

Dickson Pediatric Dentistry gets four stars from this mom!