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Debunking PH Balancing

Alkaline Water, Coral Calcium, Ph, Ph Level, Ph Levels

“If you have a health problem, most likely you are acidic.” You’ve seen the claims. But does “a balanced pH” really mean “a balanced body”? Absolutely not. Here are the facts you need about one of the most persistent claims made by some “natural” medicine practitioners.

Understanding the “pH Balancing” Theory

Believers in pH balancing claim that maintaining a proper balance of your body’s pH level is essential for health. An “acidic” pH, according to the theory, is tied to everything from obesity to cancer.

What happens if you’re unfortunate enough to have an “acidic” constitution? Well, any number of “wellness consultants” will be more than happy to sell you pH-balancing supplements at around $20 (or more) per bottle.

The Truth about pH Balancing

The truth is, your body, which is slightly alkaline, operates within an extremely narrow range of pH levels and has sophisticated mechanisms in place to maintain that balance. Any excessively acidic or alkaline substances in your body are simply excreted in your urine.

Are Acidic Foods Really Bad For You?

One of the most unfortunate effects of this myth is that scores of believers in the pH balancing theory are avoiding potentially healthy foods like tomatoes, grains and even berries out of fear of upsetting their body’s pH level. In fact, the digestive fluid in your stomach is already so acidic that it would be virtually impossible for any food to alter your body’s pH level.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin, in his article “Acid or Akaline?”, explains this perfectly when he says, “All foods that leave your stomach are acidic. Then they enter your intestines where secretions from your pancreas neutralize the stomach acids. So no matter what you eat, the food in stomach is acidic and the food in the intestines is alkaline.

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What Other Prominant “Natural” Experts Say

Arguably the single most credible “natural” pracitioner alive today, Dr. Andrew Weil is also skeptical. When asked about pH-adjusting water filters in a 2002 Q&A; on his web site, Dr. Weil replied, “Furthermore, your body needs absolutely no help in adjusting its pH.” Dr. Weil goes on to point out that people living in areas with alkaline water supplies are no healthier than those living in areas with more pH neutral water.

Are Salivary pH Test Strips Effective?

One of the best-selling products in natural medicine today are pH testing strips. At around 10 cents each, these tests are relatively inexpensive, convenient and easy to use. But are they effective? Unfortunately, they may not be as effective as you think. The pH of your mouth is determined far more by the bacteria living in your oral cavity than the overall pH level of the rest of your body. Generally, salivary pH is considered a poor measure of overall body pH levels.

The Last Word on pH Balancing

The fact is, if your body’s pH is out of balance, you’re probably seriously ill. And you wouldn’t need to stick a pH stick in your mouth to prove it, either. But don’t take my word for it. For more information about why pH balancing is a waste of both time and money, talk to your primary health care provider. Your doctor can answer all your questions about your body’s pH level and talk you through any lingering concerns.

It’s your health. And now you have the tools to understand why pH balancing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

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Weil, A. (2002). Does Alkaline Water Promo Health? DrWeil.com Q & A Library. Retrieved April 18, 2007, from http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/QAA98873.

Mirkin, G. (2003). Acid or Akaline? Dr.Mirkin.com. Retrieved April 20, 2007, from http://www.drmirkin.com/nutrition/1603.html.

Clark, J. (2002). Coral Calcium and pH Balance. Retrieved April 19, 2007, from http://home.bluegrass.net/~jclark/coral_calcium.htm.
