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Cut Down on Your Cat’s Excessive Meowing


Some cats just seem to love to meow all the time just like some dogs love to bark. Although a dog barking constantly can be heard all over the neighborhood and is definitely annoying, your cat meowing constantly in your house is still annoying to you. Just like a dog barking day and night, cats can meow all day and night. Sometimes these pets just like to hear the sound of their voices. So, what can you do to cut down on your cat’s excessive meowing? There are a number of things you can do.

To help cut down on your cat’s excessive meowing help your cat find the door. Some cats, and dogs, my dog in particularly, can never make up their minds if they want to go outside or stay inside. For your cat, you can buy a kitty door found in pet stores, which will allow your cat to come and go as they please. This will help cut down on the excessive meowing when they are outside and want to come in or when they are inside and want to go out.

Another thing you can do to cut down on your cat’s excessive meowing is to try feeding your cat on a regular basis. In fact, you should always keep your pet on a regular eating schedule. Feed them at the same time everyday to help keep them on a schedule and keep them happy. When you change times, pets can get confused and upset. And for finicky cats, the irregular schedule can cause them to meow excessively. You can also extend your cat’s lunch or dinnertime, as long as you don’t allow them to overeat. Some cats will only eat a small amount during the regular schedule eating time but come back for more minutes later, if their food is gone guess what, the meowing starts, so to prevent it keep their food out a little longer.

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Like some dogs that bark constantly, some cats constantly meow because they need a little attention and affection. Remember if no one pays attention to you for so long after awhile you will start letting people know it. Pet and play with your cat often to keep them from feeling neglected and to cut down on his excessive meowing. When your cat does cut down on the excessive meowing, be sure to reward him with a treat, new toy, or some extra love. Sometimes cats meow excessively if they are nervous or bored. If this is the case, be sure to give them more toys or comfort them if they are nervous about something.

Lastly, to cut down on your cat’s excessive meowing is to show some discipline. Don’t let your cat drive you mad with her excessive meowing. Take charge. You can either ignore him, which will eventually make him stop if you don’t give in. You can also squirt him with a nice burst of water from a squirt bottle. Eventually he will realize that his meowing will result in a nice squirt of water in his mouth every time he opens it to meow.