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Cure for Cancer, Only a Fruit Away?

Cure Cancer, Cure for Cancer, Natural Therapy

Kudos to the Rain Forests of the Amazon! I am back on the saddle, investigating the amazing Graviola fruit tree and it’s potential to prevent and cure cancer. The future has never looked so promising in the cure for cancer. The Graviola tree grows deep within the Amazon Rain Forest, and it’s astounding effectiveness needs to be unleashed. This miraculous tree as a whole-the fruit (known as soursop), bark and leaves are all of medical importance to modern day researchers in aiding different health conditions. But, the principal interest is it’s anti tumor cancer remedy that has served the natives of the Amazon for centuries. The Graviola tree has the possible potential to cure and prevent all types of cancer. Extracts from the different parts of the tree seem to effectively target and kill malignant cells in over twelve types of cancer. Some of these cancers include colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic.

This fruit tree can literally revolutionize the world on cancer treatment and perhaps ability to survive the disease. The extracts from the different parts of the tree can attack cancer safely and effectively with an all natural therapy. One can only imagine, being treated for cancer without the side effects experienced in today’s chemotherapy treatments. With this natural cure, patients can avoid nausea, weight loss and hair loss. It protects the immune system and avoids deadly infections. Patients who have already tried this natural remedy in isolated parts of the world feel stronger and healthier while boosting their energy level and outlook in life. What is even more amazing is, unlike the cancer drug used in today’s cancer treatment which kills all cells, the ingredient extracted from the Graviola fruit selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. It does not harm healthy cells. Further more, the compounds found in this fruit prove to be many times more powerful in slowing down the growth of cancer cells than the man-made drug used in most US hospitals today. Many of the natives of the Amazon Rain forest use the extracts for a number of other ailments. It has been used by natives to treat depression, heart disease, asthma, arthritis and liver problems. This reinforcement brings hope to lung cancer patients suffering from Mesothelioma, now fighting a double battle along with their attorneys and structured settlement.

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According to budubelacan.com, it is no secret that some of the largest drug manufacturers have been testing this fruit tree since early 1970. So why did all those cancer patients die in vain when this cure was so in the making so many years ago? The answer is rather disturbing and may even be upsetting to cancer patients. The research ended when the drug gurus, realised they could not make a fortune with this medical break-through because of the ‘natural’ ingredient involved. Under federal law, a natural commodity cannot be ‘patented’. Aah yes, the tradgedy of excessive greed! So how did the research pundits react to this ‘natural’ disaster? (pun so intended!) The research pundits spent the next seven odd years trying to ‘synthetic-size’ two of the Graviola tree’s strongest anti-cancer ingredients. There was an idea behind this maddness. By doing the unthinkable, the drug pundits could quarantine and create “man-made” clones of what makes the fruit juice so potent. The result? The research gurus would be in sync to legally ‘patent’ the product and in doing so, strike financial gain over the years. Alas, the lads hit a brick wall and the whole plot back-fired. The original, God made cure could not be replicated. Under such circumstances, there was no way the pundits could protect their gains. As this dream of making mighty profits evaporated, so did their testing on the Graviola tree. The undertaking came to a complete hault. What is even more devastating is the pundits shelved the entire project and decided not to publish the results of their research, and so the lives of millions, controlled by money and power.

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Medication prescibed today for the treatment of osteoarthritis does not weight in for reducing pain without harmful side effects either. Some medication has been linked to heart stroke and has been up for potential legal claim. While medical and product mal practice liability continue to swamp law offices with patients now suffering from various cancers, the focus is once again on the natural and potential cure from the soursop fruit of the Graviola tree.
May God’s speed be with you this time, cancer patients.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes. It is not intended to diagnose or cure any disease. For health concerns seek the advise of a certified practitoner.
source: budubelacan.com