Karla News

Crack Cocaine : A Paranoid Psychosis

Crack cocaine is a very powerful drug. It can ruin a life in a very short amount of time. One hit of crack will leave you wanting more; using for a longer period of time may leave you unable to say no. It is not a drug that many people could try one time and never use again. Crack cocaine is a mind grabbing drug that may make you laugh, feel good, become energetic and feel happy, but it does not last long. The effects of crack cocaine being smoked may last anywhere from five to ten minutes. Prolonged use of crack cocaine may cause the effect to last an even shorter amount of time. This puts the person at an even higher risk for addiction because they will need to keep using more to satisfy the feeling they lost.

The drug is referred to as “crack” by society because of the cracking sound it makes when it is heated. It is an easily found drug that can be bought ready to be smoked, usually referred to as “ready rock” or it can be bought in powder form and cooked. Cooking is a very easy process. It does not take a smart person to do it. When a person uses large amounts of crack cocaine numerous times in a binging type of way, they will most likely develop a sense of paranoia. Paranoia can be a frightening experience. Many times the person hears talking, footsteps, and other noises that are not really there. This causes the person to lose their sense of reality, leaving them trapped in a world full of voices and whispers. This can last for hours. They may look out of their window over and over a million times just to see if there are any suspicious people outside. They may be extremely quiet because they need to listen. They actually will hear people, but they are not really there.

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When crack cocaine is smoked the vapors are taken into the lungs and the effect is felt just as fast as if the drug had been injected. The quicker the effect comes, the faster it leaves, which causes the person to repeatedly smoke more and more, spending all of their money in a very short amount of time, which can tear a family apart, that is, if the addict has not already lost their family due to their addiction. Violence can result and problems will almost always arise. What drug does not cause problems? Crack cocaine is very addictive and needs to be stopped. It is found everywhere from the city to the small towns. It is around our children and it will be around as long as there are addicts. Many resources are in place to help addicts, but most people are not willing to stop. There will always be people who use this drug because of its addictiveness and its availability. People just need to think before they take the first hit because most likely it will not be their last whether they want it to be or no.