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Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer – Review

Cover Girl, Dark Under Eye Circles, Eye Circles, Under Eye Circles

Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer is an excellent tool to use to hide everything from blemishes to age spots to dark under eye circles. With Cover Girl Smoothers AquaCurrent Science, the formula is intended to nourish skin while hiding flaws.

Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer is great for all skin types and quickly and effectively hides skin imperfections. It blends with ease and can be reapplied at anytime without the worry of it looking clumpy on top of other makeup. It really does smooth right on without any trouble. It is thick enough to cover distracting blemishes, but it works with skin-friendly ingredients to ensure no further skin irritation or pore clogging takes place.

The Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer comes in a variety of shades to match any skin tone. It comes in a lipstick-like tube for easy application. It fits conveniently in any purse or pocket for easy access when re-application is necessary.

Always remember that when choosing a concealer shade to cover areas that are darker than your natural skin tone, it is wise to choose a concealer that it slightly one shade lighter than your natural color. This gives the advantage of stronger coverage on your imperfections.

Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer contains vitamin E which heals damaged skin and encourages new cell growth. This is perfect for damaged skin such as blemishes and age spots. Chamomile is included in the recipe to soothe irritation and decrease redness. The botanical ginseng is used to tone and revitalize the skin making it perfect to aid in the reduction of under eye darkness while it covers.

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Those who buy Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer rave about its non-drying blendable texture and its ability to cover most any skin flaw. Consumers have also included in their reviews that it covers much better than a liquid concealer.

Some criticism for Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer has come from those with extremely dark skin. They say that even the darkest shade in this concealer is still too light and they can only use the concealer for dark under eye circles and not flaws on the rest of the face.

Overall, Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer is rated high among users and has an excellent reputation for skin satisfaction. This product can be purchased wherever makeup is sold. Look online to find coupons on this product and others by Cover Girl. Also, visit the official Cover Girl website at www.covergirl.com.
