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Common Problems with Long Haired Cats


There are several problems with having a long haired cat. Long haired cats are beautiful and they make excellent pets but they can also be a lot of work as well. Short haired cats tend to lose a lot less fur and they do not get knots in their fur like long haired cats do. They also do not need to be shaved when the knots get out of control. The best thing to do is brush your cat on a daily basis. You will want to brush as deep as you can to avoid knots down below the fur. Also make sure that you do not miss any spots because knots can form in a day or so. If your cat ends up with a lot of knots you can try to cut them out and brush them out or you can shave the cat. Since the hair is so long it’s quite hard to shave. The best thing to do is stop the problem when it’s small and brush the cat on a daily basis. You can also get the knots under control by brushing or shaving and then keep up on it daily.

Cats with long haired fur will also tend to leave little surprises for you around your house. This is because the poop will actually get stuck to the long hair under the cats tail and around the cats tail. To avoid this from happening you can shave the cat around that area but make sure to be careful. You can also have the vet or a local groomer give your cat a trim on a regular basis so you don’t run into this problem. It’s not because the cat is purposely pooping in your home, it’s because it’s getting stuck to the cats fur. This can also cause a problem with young children who love to put things in their mouth. Luckily, most of them realize that they do not even want to touch the awful looking brown ball on the carpet.

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As you can see what will happen if you let the knots go, you will want to brush your cat on a daily basis. After you’ve gotten home from work the last thing you might want to do is brush the cat. If you keep up on brushing the cat, the cat will eventually love it if you are gentle. Make sure to get a soft brush that the hair will actually stick to. You will want to remove the hair as well as brushing it. Long haired cats shed horribly and the hair will get everywhere. You will need to vacuum on a regular basis to get rid of the hair. Brushing your cat will also help with shedding.

Long haired cats will also get hairballs because all cats clean themselves. Their fur will actually get stuck to their tongue and there’s no way of digesting the fur. Your cat will often sound like it’s coughing and you will find a nice big hairball on your carpet. Your cat is not throwing up, it’s simply removing the hairball from it’s stomach which it cannot usually digest or pass through it’s system. Sometimes cats will not produce hairballs but it makes you wonder what happens to the hair. You can also give your cat something known as Cat Lax to get rid of the hairballs. You simply rub it on the cats mouth and he will like his mouth clean. You only need about a one inch strip of Cat Lax.