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Common Mistakes When Taking Coumadin

Coumadin, Lab Work

Coumadin also known as warfarin is a blood thinner It is a very common drug found among the elderly and is frequently used to prevent blood clots from forming. There are some important facts to be aware of if you are on coumadin therapy.

1. If you drink alcohol or smoke tell your doctor because these vices alter the affects of Coumadin. Coumadin may not be the best drug for you.

2. Stop taking an asprin a day. This is the most common mistake I see. There are people who unfortunately do not read the information provided by the pharmacy or they do not understand their doctors directions. Asprin also known as ASA is a blood thinner and can cause complications when given with coumadin. If you are taking both coumadin and ASA please call your doctor and tell them so they can provided you with the information you need.

3. Do not just stop taking your medication without first discussing it with your doctor. In 1997 my mother in law decided her husband did not need to take so much medicine so she stopped giving him his medication. He suffered a stroke that he did recover from. In 2007 she stopped taking her coumadin because she decided it was “rat poison” and started having shortness of breath. She developed a PE also known as a pulmonary embolism. She was in ICU for a week and was very weak for months.

4. Never take more than the prescribed amount of coumadin. If you have problems remembering what medication you took during the day it might be a good idea to invest in a 7 day a week pill dispenser. If the pill is gone then you know you took it. If a person has memory problems they may need assistance in taking their medications.

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5. If you are on coumadin therapy it is important to have lab work checked regularly. The lab will check what is known as your PT and INR. This tells us how effective your blood clotting is. One of the first signs or more noticeable signs in a person who is not therapeutic is bruising. You will see people come in and usually their arms are just covered in bruises. They will say “I have thin skin.” Well skin tears would explain thin skin. Bruising is a good sign that your clotting ability is poor.

6. There are side effects of coumadin that need to be watched for.
a. Bleeding gums
b. Black or tarry stools
c. Blood in the urine
d. coughing up blood
e. unusual pain
f. bruising

Coumadin is a very beneficial drugs when used correctly. Never take a new medication without understanding what it is for, the side effects, interactions, and risk. When you get a prescription filled always save any information that comes with your medication and read over it. When you are feeling better read over it again. It is easy to misunderstand information when you are not feeiing your best. Always call your pharmacist or doctors office if you have questions or concerns.