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Chocolate that is Kinder

Kinder are pretty much the kings of chocolate as far as quality (though Cadbury’s are Kings on the fact they have so many options), the Kinder chocolate as a quality and taste is so much ahead of it’s competitors such as Cadbury’s, Nestle and Mars that to be honest it’s quite degrading to even talk about them in the same sentence. Whilst the rivals to Kinder focus on milk chocolate it could be said Kinder focus on more milk and less chocolate which gives a rather unique and soft taste to it but yet it never seems to lack the taste of it’s rivals, it just focus on beign softer.

Kinder are one of the biggest arms of Ferrero SpA the Italian company that are best known for Nutella but have spread into other ranges such as premier chocolates (Ferrero Rocher), Tic Tacs and obviously the high quality kids chocolate Kinder. With the Kinder range being a rather expansive one ranging from the Kinder eggs, the Kinder Happy Hippo, the brilliant Kinder Bueno and of course this the Kinder Chocolate.

When talking about Kinder chocolate and Kinder Chocolate the latter (capital C) is this bar in particular, whilst the former (little c) is merely the chocolate of the Kinder family. The chocolate is known as being a German based brand (Kinder is German for “Children”) and is lighter on the cocoa and and having more milk something the brand have always been happy to admit. In German the wrappers have “+ MILCH; -KAKAO” whilst the English is “MORE MILKE; LESS COCOA”. In any language it’s obvious that the brand is however, quality.

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Sadly I only bought a pack of the 6 smaller “snack” sized bars (89p) rather than the larger bars but they are all pretty much the same. The wrappers are predominantly white and orange with blue used as well for the writing. The usual Kinder child (who I had in the past said some pretty nasty things about how they look like Ayran poster children) is currently gone as the brand go looking for a new face…so a yellow circle advertising their new campaign sits on the left of the wrapper. After finally getting in to the wrapper (it’s really not easy when you have no finger nails) you get to lick your lips at the site of a wavy styled bar (it has 4 tops and 3 dips of a “wave” style design) in light smooth brown chocolate.

Holding it in you’re hands you realise that the first thing to stand out is how it feels like it’s melting on your every touch. Personally not a fan of this sensation but lets be frankly honest, it could feel awful as long as it tasted good right? Well boy does it ever taste good, a soft but yet milky and even creamy taste of high quality and almost tooth kind chocolate is a delight to taste and despite knowing they are aimed at children they taste too good to dislike. The soft brown chocolate has a gorgeous white chocolate filling which shows where all the milk has gone, a milky milk chocolate centre that separates it from it’s rivals goes a long way to explaining why Kinder is so great.

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So where does Kinder Chocolate rate on best ever chocolate ranking? Well personally I’d rather have the sister product, the Kinder Bueno which adds a hazelnut filling and a wafer to the chocolate in a more adult themed bar. I’d also rather have a Crunchie due to the centre and a Daim, so I guess it’s fair to say the lack of a filling is the bars down fall. Though it still ranks high it just seems to limit it’s self by being a plain bar. And at 21g (the snack size bar) it’s not very filling either. Though the taste is amazing.

Nutritional Value per 21g bar
116 Calories
2.1g Protein
10.9g Carbohydrates
7.1g Fat

Personally this is what chocolate is about, sweet tasting goodness, that perhaps only falls foul due to the fact it’s such a lovely chocolate that it doesn’t need a filling, but when it’s given one like in the Bueno it just becomes that little bit better. A simply lovely chocolate that shows the fact even when it’s aimed at children there is no limits to quality or taste, in fact, it’s probably the fact it’s aimed at kids that has lead it to being such a well designed and unique flavour.