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Chic yet Cheap Home Decorating Ideas

Cheap Home Decor

If you’ve ever been shopping for home furnishings and decorations, then you know just how expensive they can be. But, with careful planning and selection, you can furnish and decorate your home for less than you think. Here are just a few ideas to come away with some very chic yet cheap home decor.

1. Shop for your larger pieces of furniture at outlet stores. Sometimes you can find the same items that big name retailers carry for bargain basement prices at an outlet store. Furnishings sold at these stores are usually in great condition. They just might be last year’s models that didn’t sell or this year’s overstock. You might be able to pick up some cheap accessories here as well.

2. Several times a year furniture stores will have a scratch and dent sale. These sales are great opportunities to find quality furniture and accessories cheap. Most of the time the flaws on these pieces are barely noticeable or can be easily repaired.

3. A lot of times you can save money on furniture by offering to buy the floor model. Stores will discount these items as much as half price sometimes.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask the manager for a discount when you purchase several pieces. Furniture has a very high mark up and store managers can give you quite a nice discount and still make a profit.

5. Shop furniture stores at the end of the season. Most people don’t realise that furniture stores change inventory seasonally just as other retail stores do. You can pick up some great items cheap because managers need to clear the showroom for new stock.

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6. Visit an IKEA showroom or shop IKEA online for some incredibly cheap home furnishings. IKEA carries everything you need to furnish and decorate your home from sofas to kitchen accessories. The items they sell are very well made and inexpensive. Their showroom has an entire floor of furnished rooms designed to help you find what you need for your home.

7. You can find all kinds of cheap home furnishings at thrift shops. Thrift shops receive donations every day, so check them often. Tell the manager what items you’re looking for and ask her to call you if she receives any. Many times these shops receive items that are new or look new that you can buy at a fraction of their original cost.

8. Flea markets and yard sales are a great place to find cheap items for the home. A lot of times the dealers either need money fast or don’t want to carry their furniture home, so they are more than willing to give you a good deal.

9. Check the classified ads of your local newspaper for some great furniture finds. Many times the seller could be moving and willing to let things go cheaply rather than pay to have them moved

10. Craig’s List is an online marketplace that allows people to sell their household items for free. Almost every area of the country is listed, usually by major cities. You can search the market closest to you to find inexpensive home furnishings and decor. Usually the seller adds a photo of the item for sale to the listing, making Craig’s a lot more user friendly than an ordinary classified ad.

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11. Ebay is also a great online place to find inexpensive home decor. Ebay allows you the opportunity to bid on the items you want, therefore choosing your own price. Just be sure not to get caught up in the bidding and spend more than you can afford. Ebay sellers do add shipping costs, which can be quite expensive on larger items. To avoid this, only bid on items for sale in your area that can be picked up.

12. Lots of home improvement stores and discount stores carry unfinished furniture. These pieces are usually very inexpensive and can be painted and decorated for very little money.

When trying to furnish and decorate your home inexpensively, you may have to start with a few pieces at a time. Check out some of the places mentioned above, buy a couple of pieces and build your room around them. It may take you a little longer but the finished result will be both affordable and beautiful.