Articles for category: SPORTS

Karla News

For the Texas Rangers a Quiet Offseason was a Smart Plan

The Texas Rangers had a very quiet and virtually non-electrifying offseason leaving fans to wonder just what the front office was thinking. Players such as Josh Hamilton, Mike Napoli, Koji Uehara and Mike Adams left for more money in free agency. The face of the franchise, Michael Young, was traded to the Philadelphia Phillies. The ...

Karla News

2 Vs. 1 College Soccer Drill: Keep Composure

For any college soccer team to be successful, they must train and practice every single day. If you are a college soccer coach you may be looking for some new drills that your team can use during practice. During the course of a soccer game there are a lot of two on one situations. Surprisingly, ...

Karla News

How To Buy NFL Tickets

It’s that time of year! The time of year that feels like Christmas for all of us NFL fans! Time to get the fantasy football teams ready and time to get the Sunday barbecues ready! It’s also that time of year to purchase tickets for one or two of the games so you can see ...

Karla News

A Brief Derek Jeter Biography

No matter what you may think about him, Derek Jeter is truly one of the last of his kind. He is a hard-nosed baseball player who gives it everything he has. No wonder he’s the Yankees’ captain! Here’s a brief biography about this future Hall of Famer that will help you learn a little bit ...

Karla News

Survivor Series 2010 results

WWE Survivor Series was the pay-per-view held tonight at The American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. Here are the results and highlights of the show. Match 1: United States Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Ted Dibiase: Maryse is with Ted Dibiase. This was a very good back and forth match. The end came when Dibiase ...

Karla News

Dale Earnhardt, Sr.: A Biography

NASCAR racing has become one of America’s most popular sports today. Races are viewed by millions of fans from around 150 countries all over the earth. NASCAR ranks second only to the National Football League in television ratings in homes and viewing areas throughout the United States. NASCAR is very big business. It is estimated ...

Karla News

Sports of Mexico

Mexico is a country with many popular sports. When one is to mention sports in Mexico, a persons mind is drawn directly to soccer, or football in their language. Little does this person know that Mexico has a vast majority of popular sports. These include softball, soccer, and also extreme sports such as bungee jumping ...

Karla News

Buying Guide to Heavy Punching Bags

In recent years, cardio- kickboxing has become a workout of choice. Here’s the thing though- why punch the air when you can hit something for real? Hitting a heavy punching bag is a great way to release tension and get in shape. However, purchasing a heavy bag can be confusing, especially for the novice consumer, ...