Articles for category: Parenting

Karla News

The Fisher Price EZ Bundle

The Fisher-Price EZ Bundle 4-in-1 Baby System is a new, innovative product for moms, dads and babies alike! The EZ Bundle offers four functional items in one convenient, space saving product. For approximately $150, the price you’d pay for just a high chair, you get an infant seat, infant swing, high chair & toddler chair. ...

Karla News

How to Administer Eye Drops in Children

For most of us, trying to put eye drops in our own eyes can be a frustrating challenge, so when it comes to trying to accomplish the task with our children, it can be double frustrating, messy, and seem downright impossible. Here are some tips for parents to make the administration of eye drops a ...

Karla News

WWE Divas – Are They Hot?

WWE Diva’s My other work at ACJoin AC Write and earn! WWE Divas”>The WWE Divas of Television For a long time wrestling has brought us to together to share in fun, food, sports entertainment and of course women. It used to me a man only sport, showing the skills an athlete has honed from hours ...

Karla News

A Biological Father’s Rights in an Adoption

You and the young girl you are seeing are now expecting a baby. You are both young and do not have plans to get married. She has decided to put the baby up for adoption. You are not feeling very good about this choice. You would like to keep the baby and raise it. But ...

Karla News

Top 10 Toys for 7 Year Old Girls

If you are looking for toys for a 7 year old girl, you are either the parents, grandparents or friends. If the 7 year old is yours, I’m sure she has told you all the things she loves. But, if you don’t live with her all the time, you may wonder what kinds of gifts ...

Karla News

Game Review: Diner Dash 2

Diner Dash 2, available for download at most major online game sites, including Yahoo!, is the continuation of the very popular game, Diner Dash. The premise of the first game was that the main character, Flo, grew tired of her office job and wanted to own a restaurant. She faced opposition from a big name ...

Karla News

Creating a Pet Memorial Garden

When our beloved dog died last year, I can’t even explain how difficult it was for all of us. She was 10-and-a-half years old, and was sick, and I felt that we had been robbed of a few more years of her presence in our lives. I wanted to honor her memory and her legacy ...

Karla News

Poverty and Its Effects on Children

According to the Oxford University dictionary poverty is the “state of being extremely poor,” or “the state of being insufficient in amount.” This particular issue is, and had been a, problem in America fluctuating with the passing years. What’s more is the effect it has on children living in homes plagued with poverty. Not only ...

Karla News

“My Baby Can Talk” Series Review

As a parent, you want your child to have every advantage they can. You try your best to do everything you can to help your child get ahead of the game. Other times, your child may be struggling and you may be searching for a way to help them overcome a specific difficulty. In either ...