Articles for category: HOME IMPROVEMENT

How to Create Bathroom Storage with a Dresser

For bathrooms short on storage space, adding a small antique dresser is a terrific way to create a little extra room for those bathroom essentials. In older homes like ours, bathrooms were often added many years later after the original construction of the home. These retrofitted bathrooms were carved out of old closets, small bedrooms, ...

Transitional Plumbing Fittings for Residential Use

Transitional plumbing fittings create an easy way for the homeowner to connect different types of pipes made of different materials. PVC, copper, even galvanized iron can be connected to one another with the use of the proper fitting. However, it is essential that not only you choose the right transitional plumbing fitting for the job ...

How to Keep Roaches Out of Your Apartment

Everyone knows that once roaches have the opportunity to invade your home it can be very difficult to actually get rid of them. It can prove to be especially difficult if you are among the many that live in apartment complex. You can believe that if one persons apartment is roach infested they all will ...

Home Painting Tips: Water-Based or Oil-Based Paints?

Before you begin that painting job, there is one very big decision you need to make. Do you go with oil-based paint, or with water-based paint? How will you know which is the better choice? Which paint should you use when painting over a surface that has already been painted? Which is best for painting ...

How to Clean Your Used Window Air Conditioner

If you have a window air conditioner and are getting ready to install it you may want to think about cleaning it before hand. My grandfather taught me how to clean and check window air conditioners when I was about twelve years old and he was running his own company. Back then window air conditioners ...

How to Make a Super Easy Rose Out of Clay

First, you will need to make sure you have everything on this long list of Materials. 1.) Oven-bake clay (you can find it in a craft store for about $10 a brick.) 2.)An oven to bake your clay in (you can find it in your kitchen.) 3.) A toothpick, or anything with a sharp point, ...

New, Innovative Pet Products

More than $40 billion will be spent this year on pets nationwide, and according to the US Census Bureau, Americans spend more on their pets than they do on jewelery, toys, or candy! Just in time for the holiday season, companies are releasing products that are innovative and creative. Today, I’m going to talk about ...

Stovetop Griddle: Is It Worth the Money?

For the past few months I have debated with myself about the possible uses of a 2-burner griddle. If you haven’t seen one of these gadgets they are griddles/grills that can put right on the top of your stove by placing them on top of two burners. Then all you need to do is turn ...