Articles for category: HOME IMPROVEMENT

Top 5 Reasons Why a Gas Stove’s Burner Won’t Light

The first house that I ever purchased came with a very old gas range that would malfunction from time to time. The most frequent problem that I would encounter was a burner that wouldn’t light. Over the years, I learned that there are typically five reasons why a gas stove’s burner won’t light. Here’s a ...

How to Clean a Dryer Vent, Filters and Drum

Much like any other household appliance, a dryer needs proper maintenance. Keeping a dryer clean includes attention to the vent, filters and drum. Add years to dryer life by including cleaning as part of regular maintenance. Clean accidents like melted crayon from the drum promptly to avoid clothing damage. Reduce risk of fire by keeping ...

Fixing Cracks in a Cement Walkway

Cracks in cement walkways, driveways and patios are common and should be repaired. Cracks will allow water to seep in and over time the damaged surface will degrade even more and may become a safety hazard. Repairing cracks can usually be done in a few hours and is relatively inexpensive. Soil shifting or sinking is ...

Six Ways to Keep Bath Towels Soft

If you are like most people, a luxuriously soft and fluffy bath towel appeals to your senses. Over time, however, especially in homes with hard water, bath towels can become scratchy and rough. Instead of throwing those towels away, rendering them as ‘spares,’ or purchasing new ones to replace them, you can revitalize the ones ...

Tips on Installing Baseboard Trim

Baseboard trim is usually installed last, so that it can be joined to the casings and the wainscoting. It is preferable to install it after a wood finish floor is laid. If this is not possible, the baseboard will have to be elevated with scraps of the flooring to give the necessary clearance. Baseboard is ...

Pros and Cons of Wood Stoves

Using wood stoves to heat your house can be both a blessing and a curse. In this article, I will explain the aspects of wood stove use that will have you jumping for joy as well as those that may make you bury your face in your palms. Pit these pros and cons against each ...

How to Insulate Basement Walls

If you have ever thought about finishing your basement and turning it into usable space but were turned off from doing so because the room is too cold or too expensive to heat you may want to consider insulating the walls. What follows is generalized information on how to insulate your home’s basement walls using ...

The Best Way to Catch a Mouse

The first thing that I was to get across is, killing mice by using traps and poison should not be used. Especially if you have children and pets in the house. You should always try to catch the mouse alive and let it go at least a couple blocks from your home. It’s very easy ...

6 Uses for Your Salad Spinner

Do you hate your salad spinner because it takes up too much space and is only good for drying lettuce? While, this does seem annoying, it isn’t true. Salad spinners are actually great for several different projects. So instead of cursing your salad spinner for taking up so much space, take it out of the ...