Articles for category: Business to Business

Karla News

What is a Scope of Work?

Writing a Scope of Work requires some thought and consideration in preparing so that a vendor understands the nature of the work and what specific terms and conditions they must follow in order to accomplish the work. The following is the basic categories that you should include in a scope of work document. Your company’s ...

Eleanor Roosevelt Leadership Style Paper

Biography Eleanor Roosevelt was born in October 11, 1884. She started off her life being extremely shy, but she was able to move beyond that (Mahady, 1). She married Franklin Roosevelt in 1905. Eleanor helped him while he was in the senate and started becoming active in politics. He became president and she became a ...

Karla News

Internet Explorer.Application For VBA

Some days ago I’ve been asked to grab some data from a lot of pages of one web site and place them in an Excel file in order to work with them as a normal list of records. Here it’s my solution to this problem that can be applied in several other cases and that ...

Karla News

Is Your Business in Oklahoma Required to Have Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

If you have a business in Oklahoma and you have employees you generally must have workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Workers’ compensation insurance will provide your employees with medical treatment, rehabilitation, payment for time lost, and disability if they suffer a work-related injury or illness. In the case of accidental death, workers’ compensation provides benefits to ...

Karla News

Huge Teddy Bears

A teddy bear in general is a stuffed bear toy which is stuffed using cotton or such type soft materials. Teddy bear was first invented and manufactured in Germany and so it has got the name from the name of the US president, Teddy Roosevelt. Later teddy bears are manufactures by all in huge amounts. ...

Karla News

Show Off Your Creations with Custom Jewelry Hang Tags

If you are in the jewels and charms business, you would greatly benefit from using custom jewelry hang tags for labeling necklaces, earrings, bracelets, beads, brooch, pendants, among many other products. Jewelry hang tags are now one of the popular ways of optimizing your marketing endeavors by branding your products. What better way to show ...

The Best Online Web Sites for Stamp Collectors

Stamp collecting is easier now that everything you need, from supplies to information, can be found at dozens of online web sites. Whether you need supplies, are looking to buy or trade stamps, or merely want to read more about stamp collecting, there’s a website for you. The American Philatelic Society is a great place ...

What is Business Culture?

What is business culture? By definition it is “A blend of the values, beliefs, taboos, symbols, rituals and myths all companies develop over time”. Now, anyone behind a desk can rattle this definition off and say they have a great culture within their company, but do they? A company’s culture can be spelled out in ...

How to Write a Reference Letter

Chances are, the time will come when you’ll be called upon to write a reference letter. Perhaps a student, employee, or co-worker will ask you to write a “letter of recommendation” or a reference letter and you’ll need to know how to write an appropriate and reasonable reference letter. It’s not complicated, and there are ...

Things to Think About When Starting a Business

Statistics show that about half of all small businesses fail within the first four years. With that in mind, many entrepreneurs have doubts about starting up their own businesses. Most of these failures that occur within the first year are a result of not practicing smart business habits. If you’re honestly considering starting up a ...