Articles for category: Books

Karla News

A Review of Ann Bradstreet’s Poems

As a feminist, I’m aware that plenty of this frame of mind esteem Bradstreet as their fellow, and through this poem I am glimpsing as to why. Though she starts off very humbly admitting, “for my mean pen are too superior things” and “But simple I according to my will”, it is apparent that Bradstreet ...

Karla News

Review of Nightfall by Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg

Imagine seeing the stars for the very first time . . . would an expected reaction be one of utter astonishment, in which new avenues of thinking are suddenly opened after witnessing this unique and breathtaking sight of billions of distant suns littering the night sky? Or would a reaction of sheer horror and insanity ...

Karla News

Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection, Volume 1: Review

Checker Book Publishing has shown that there is no school like the old school. They were smart enough to compile a very old Star Trek series of comics that were first printed in the late sixties, when the original television series was still on the air and at its peak. This is assuming that the ...

Karla News

Essay on Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral”

The husband in Raymond Carver’sCathedral doesn’t want the blind man over because he held negative stereotypes about blind people. This changed when he spent some time with his wife’s friend. Had some of his generic ideas about blind people been positive then he would have no objection. His change from the beginning of the story ...

Karla News

Sophocles:The Tragedy and Triumph of Oedipus the King

Sophocles’ tragedy “Oedipus the King” is considered by most to be the greatest tragedy ever written. Even in his own time, Sophocles won the Dionysia Festival over twenty times, a feat that shows just how well expected he was. In order to follow the play, it’s helpful to know the back story. King Laius, ruler ...

Karla News

Walton and Frankenstein

In Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s novel Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus, the character Walton takes a peculiar interest in a man that he finds drifting on the ice in the Arctic Ocean. This man is Frankenstein, and after many days of recovery, he begins to tell Walton the story of how he came to the ice. ...

Karla News

Wifey: An Adult Novel by Judy Blume

If you know me, I am an avid reader. But Judy Blume, believe it or not, is someone I didn’t read. As you may have noticed, previously I wrote a review on Judy Blume’s book Forever…. within that article, I mentioned her book Wifey. Wifey, was my first read, of Judy Blume’s, and since that ...

Karla News

Important Quotes from “Oedipus the King”

“Anarchy – show me a greater crime in all the earth! She, she destroys cities, rips up houses, breaks the ranks of spearmen into headlong rout. But the ones who last it out, the great mass of them owe their lives to discipline. Therefore we must defend the men who live by law, never let ...

Karla News

Doctor Faustus: Summary and Analysis: Wagner and Robin, the Clown

Summary of Wagner and Robin, the Clown: Wagner and Robin enter, Act I, scene iv; the Clown, a rustic buffoon, has stolen a conjuring book from Doctor Faustus, and desires to learn from Wagner how to conjure. Wagner wryly suggests that Robin is louse-infected. Robin, “Stavesacre? That’s good to kill vermin! Then, belike, if I ...