Articles for category: Books

Karla News

Will Bob Dylan Contact a CP?

I’ve learned a couple of interesting things over the past couple of days while perusing Associated Content. After reading an article in the showcase by Timothy Sexton in which the claim was made that Jon Lovitz of Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons fame contacted him, I became intrigued. Apparently, Timothy Sexton had written an ...

Karla News

Goofy: My Favorite Disney Character

I was never particularly enamored with Mickey or Minnie Mouse – or with their many relatives introduced over the years of ever complex stories and animation. But, even though I didn’t find them to be particularly entertaining, I knew what they were. They were mice. Mickey spoke like a child, had four fingers on each ...

Karla News

Responding to Primo Levi’s Survival in Auschwitz

In Primo Levi’s Survival in Auschwitz, Levi states that, “We believe, rather, that the only conclusion to be drawn is that in the face of driving necessity and physical disabilities many social habits and instincts are reduced to silence” (87). He writes this memoir in part because he no longer feels the “driving necessity and ...

Karla News

Nature Imagery in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

The blossoming love of Romeo and Juliet, and the final withering of hate between the Capulets and the Monatagues, cocoons William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. To help convey love, beauty, and the worth and importance of characters, Shakespeare uses bird/flower/herb/plant imagery. The most predominant use of bird/flower/herb/plant imagery appears when the characters discuss the beauty ...

Karla News

The Best Hemingway Novels

Ernest Hemingway is one of America’s best writers. As a modernist – along with other fantastic prose artists like James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and Gertrude Stein – he helped shape 20th century literature. And while he does have a number of books to his credit not all of them are the sort of masterpieces one ...

Karla News

Who was the Mysterious Third Murderer in Macbeth?

William Shakespeare wrote many great plays. One of them, the tragedy of Macbeth, was very bloody and violent. Macbeth was based on The Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Shakespeare wrote it in 1606 but it remained unpublished until 1623. The play is filled with betrayal, mystery, and murder. After Macbeth becomes king, he is ...

Karla News

Writing Tips: The Importance of an Acknowledgments Page

While many paratextual elements of a written work can function as signifiers for the primary themes explored within the work, acknowledgment pages can be particularly adept in providing one’s readers with a brief yet comprehensive explanation of the narrative’s primary motifs. And this is why authors who are interested in providing their audiences with a ...

Karla News

Must Have Books on Alternative Therapies for Horses

If you’re at all interested in alternative or natural therapies for horses these are some books you don’t want your library to be without. Equine Acupressure A Working Manual by Nancy Zidonis, Amy Snow, and Marie Soderberg If you’re looking for a guide to acupressure, this is the book you want. This book gives a ...

Karla News

High on Arrival by Mackenzie Phillips

One of the good things about growing up during the 1970’s scripted television shows were at their finest. It was a time when producers “pushed” the limits and it was an era when the infamous troubled child star was born. Of all the shows my favorite (and still is) One Day at a Time. It ...