Articles for category: Books

Karla News

How Will Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer Fare in “Top Gun II?”

Tom Cruise is no stranger to sequels. The “Mission: Impossible” franchise is still a huge hit across the globe and shows no sign of stopping. Paramount Pictures recently announced that a fifth entry into the series is already in the planning stages. There are some iconic Cruise films, though, that some think are best left ...

Karla News

First Fairy Tales: The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid as we know it today is one of the most bastardized adaptations in the history of fairy tales. While Disney is not known for it’s accuracy and loyalty to the original texts, it’s version of The Little Mermaid can hardly be called the same as the story Hans Christian Anderson first published ...

Karla News

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: A Review

From the beginning as the children pile onto the boulder-like rocks, something is amiss. The short story by Shirley Jackson is disturbing and proof that hiddeninside every human, no matter how virtuous we may seem, lives a bloodthirsty killer. The story opens with a beautiful blue sky where “flowers are blossoming profusely and the grass ...

Karla News

Comparing Ernest Hemingway’s Life to His Characters in The Sun Also Rises

Ernest Hemingway is arguably the 20th centuries’ most revolutionary author. After altering prose to read as active text instead of the popular use of reflection, Hemingway was able to influence an entire generation of new writers. Hemingway’s writing, specifically that of his 1926 novel, The Sun Also Rises, strongly reflects his life through its characters ...

Karla News

Why Submit Your Memoir Writing to Literary Journals?

When people think of memoir writing, they often picture book-length works. But memoir writing can also be short-story length; look for examples in the “Prose” category on Associated Content. If you’ve got a piece of memoir writing that’s somewhere between 2000 and 8000 words, it might be appropriate for literary journals. Why should you submit ...

Karla News

Analysis of Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne chronicles the disturbing dream of a young Puritan man in Salem. In the dream, Goodman Brown comes face to face with evil and is forced to examine the nature of evil in man. He is disgusted by the evil he encounters, not realizing his own involvement. Through a psychoanalytic ...

Karla News

What Can a Fraternity BIG Do for You?

This semester I am proud to say that in my freshman year of college I hold the unique experience of pledging for a fraternity and having the time of my life. Pledging for a fraternity to gain entry into a privileged group of people and organization is something that takes a lot of time, effort ...

Karla News

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Issue #1 Comic Book Review

DC Comics launched a new monthly book to help mark the 30th anniversary of the debut of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. If issue #1 is any indication of what’s to come, fans of Mattel’s action figure franchise can rest assured their beloved characters are in good hands. It’s filled with great artwork ...

Karla News

Stephen King Themes: Youth Vs. Maturity

A great deal of King’s work fall into two categories, the ”hot” fiction that focuses on youth and the loss of innocence. Such examples would be his novella The Body and his novel It. Stories about children or adolescents put in extraordinary or horrifying situations. Maybe long removed from their tragic past who are now ...

Karla News

How to Develop Characters When Writing a Novel

People are multi dimensional, and so should a character in a story be… but that’s hard to do when the writer only has a small ‘section’ of a character’s life with which to work. So how do you write believable characters, who have a past and a future beyond the novel, and have that full ...