Articles for category: AUTOMOTIVE

Karla News

My Favorite Car – a 1991 Caprice Classic

I’ve owned several cars in my life. My first was a 1989 Ford Escort that I wrecked twice. The second wreck totaled the car. My second car was a 1991 Corsica. I drove it through a giant mud puddle and ruined the engine. I ended up giving it away. My third and favorite car is ...

Karla News

Choosing the Right Tires for Your Vehicle

As we prepare to go from the hot summer days into fall and winter, it may not be a bad idea to consider replacing the tires on your vehicle. Whether on a car, truck, or SUV, bad tires are like a time bomb. One minute, you’re happily driving and singing to some of your favorite ...

Karla News

1995 Honda Civic EX: JDM ‘Dis!

The love of my life had 4 wheels and a Honda emblem tacked to the front and back of its’ shiny, silver exterior; it was my 1995 Honda Civic EX. Although myself, and others, love (or loved) this car, it was for far more than its’ amazing gas mileage or smooth styling. If you don’t ...

Karla News

How to Replace Car Windows

A broken car window is something every driver faces once in their life. If you are patient and have basic knowledge of tools, you can replace a car window thus saving money on window repair. Replacing a car window is not a difficult task, but simply one with many small steps. Many of these are ...

Karla News

How to Customize Your Camper Van for Hunting Trips

If you enjoy planning regular hunting trips with your friends or family, you might want to customize your camper van for this very purpose. It can be used not only for hunting, but also for camping with your family and friends, and you’ll enjoy these “extras” regardless of where you’re headed. Following are a few ...

Karla News

How to Repair a Loose Tailpipe

A loose tailpipe always happens at the worst possible time – just like any other unplanned car emergency. Unfortunately, a loose tailpipe can be just moments – or one good bump in the road – away from taking the entire muffler away with it. After all, once the tailpipe comes free from its anchor, there ...

Karla News

5 Tips for Buying a Motorcycle Warranty

When buying a motorcycle, you’ll often have the choice of buying a motorcycle warranty too. This can be a tough decision, as it will easily add several hundred dollars to your purchase price. Several factors go into the cost of a motorcycle warranty, but the cost of the bike, and the average cost of its ...

Karla News

How to Drive Safely at Night

It can be intimidating driving at night because things are not as clearly seen as they are in day. This is especially true when you are driving through stretches of land and country roads where there are no street lights. There are many things that you can do while you are driving and even before ...