Articles for category: Alternative Medicine

Causes and Cures for Adult Bedwetting

I thought only little kids with immature bladder muscles were supposed to wet the bed at night. Now, at age 46, every once in a while I wet the bed. What in the world? Another misconception I had was that the older we women get, the more our bladder muscles become weaker, therefore, adult bedwetting. ...

Home Remedy for Kidney Stones

Some people discover they have their first kidney stone because they had to visit the emergency room due to having such excruiciating pain in their back, side or groin. Tests are often run to confirm the problem, then the patient is confronted with the various medical procedures available for dealing with getting rid of the ...

Herbs for Anemia

Anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells, or more specifically of the hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrying protein found in the blood. Anemia is caused by either a deficiency in the production of or a rapid destruction of red blood cells. While an iron deficiency is often at root, ...

The Bhastrika Pranayama Breathing Technique

I have covered the basic guidelines for doing pranayama every day so as to remain fit and healthy through out the life in my earlier article. I shall start covering the procedures for doing simple breathing techniques from this article onwards. As soon as you take your position in either sukhasan or padhmasan, start taking ...

Can Your Cholesterol Be Too Low?

American’s are cholesterol obsessed and for good reason. The importance of lowering “bad” cholesterol levels, or LDL’s, and raising the “good” cholesterol, HDL, to reduce the risk of heart disease has been demonstrated in numerous studies. While many people struggle to get their cholesterol level down into the normal range, there seem to be a ...

How to Foil a Burn

At one point during my four month hike, bike and kayak trip, I was on the bike and passing through Tonopah NV. I stopped to eat and when the waitress was filling my cup with hot water, I don’t drink coffee because caffeine and I disagree, I mentioned that she was being awfully cautious. She ...

How I was Treated for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Saturday began just like all the ones before. It was a beautiful sunny day in early May. As a college student, coursework and life kept me extremely busy. Though we didn’t spend much time together during the week, Shane and I enjoyed having tea at, “The Coffee Beanery” every Saturday. We treasured the time because ...

Magnetic Mattress Pad: Does it Work?

I have suffered from chronic back pain for many years. Before trying magnetic therapy I had little luck finding a solution to the pain. I was frankly surprised that doctors and chiropractors were almost at a total loss helping me deal with the problem. They know all about prescription medications but nothing about magnetic therapy, ...

Natural Ways to Cure Stomach Pains

Do you suffer from gout, stomach aches, ulcers, and heartburn? Have you been using over the counter medicines and worthless prescriptions prescribed by your family doctor that just do not work? Did you know you could cure all those general health problems in safe natural ways? Well you can as long as you have cabbage, ...