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Calloused Feet, Tips to Get Them Smooth in No Time

Apricot Scrub, Callouses, Pumice, Pumice Stone, Soft Feet

I have always had calloused feet, as a child running barefoot all the time. And as an adult when home I rarely wear socks and I don’t wear shoes. Well unless I am going somewhere. It never bothered me until my daughter said ” Mom your feet are yucky”. So I thought OK time to do something about them. I experimented with different products and foot scrubs. And through my experience I have some tips that will give you silky soft feet in no time.

The most important item is the pumice stone, I like the ones with the foot scrubber on the back because after sloughing off the skin you can brush it off with the bristols on back of brush.

So in the beginning you will want to do this ritual every night or every other night depending on how bad your feet are calloused, for myself I started off doing it every night.

Get a large bowl, large enough for water and both of your feet. Fill with hot water, but be careful not to scald yourself. Add about 1/2 to 1 cup of Epsom salts, and 1/4 cup baking soda, and if you like fragrance add a couple drops of your favorite bath gel. I would always keep a book at hand or soak in front of the TV, Soak your feet for a good 10-15 minutes or until the water gets cold. Then pat dry on a towel.

Now an exfolient is the next step, they sell lots of different kinds, but I use St. Ives apricot scrub. This is a great exfolient and it says for face, but I use it on my whole body and it works wonders. So apply the exfolient to your feet and rub in good, then take your scrub brush and massage in using circular motions. This helps to loosen up the dry skin. Then rinse using warm water. Pat dry again with towel.

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Now you are ready for the pumice stone, start at the toes and using a circular motion rub stone against your foot, on the area’s that have callouses apply more pressure and continue until skin feels smooth to the touch. Warning persons with poor circulation and diabetes are not recommended to use pumice stones. Then use the scrub brush and run over foot again after finishing with the pumice stone.

You want a good lotion, I would recommend any of the body butters they are super thick and moisturize very good. Massage lotion into foot paying extra attention to the calloused areas and then apply socks. Now for extra moisturizing twice a week i take Vaseline and slather on my feet and cover with socks and sleep that way, the next morning my feet are super smooth and soft, you can do the same thing with your hands too.

Since I have started this ritual, my feet are soft and smooth,and I am no longer embarrassed to show them off to the world, I still go barefoot sometimes, but I wear my socks lot more too.