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Bushcraft – How to Make a Natural Torch

Learning how to make a Natural torch from materials found in the woods is very useful and important. Torches are good for transferring fire, fending/scaring off animals, heat, and most commonly light. A torch can be used for light in a cave, outside at night, or underground. Without modern conveniences like flashlights, or fuel making a torch can seem like a daunting task but if you know how, its really easy.

Step 1 Gathering materials

First off, you need a handle for your torch. Gather up straight GREEN sticks or limbs from a tree or sapling. They must be green or else the heat will burn through the stick and cause your torch to fall apart. You will need fuel for your torch too. Bark makes great fuel and burns for a long time especially bark from the birch tree. Pine trees can also be tapped for their valuable sap. The sap burns very well. Pine sap can also be used to make glue, chewing gum, and pitch. Lastly, it will help if you have some type of cordage or the ability to make it from plants. Cordage is not essential but will greatly improve the quality of your torch.

Step 2 Assembly

After all the materials are gathered, split the ends of a green shaft into fourths. In half is fine but fourths is better. Layer on bark, pitch and some small pieces of wood onto the splits, securing each layer with cordage. It should be easy to stuff because the split should hold it in along with the cordage. When finished stuffing, make sure it is secured well with the cordage. A good way to test, is to shake the torch and make sure its sturdy. At this point you can add a lot more pine sap to make it burn more intense and brighter. If pine sap was added its best to let dry before use. Make multiple torches and experiment with different woods, plants, and saps to get the best burn time, light, or heat ratio. You can make special torches to fit certain needs.

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Step 3 Lighting up

Your now ready to light your natural torch. It’s very important to light from the top to get the most burn time. Always hold straight up so the fire burns down the torch slowly. Good luck, and have fun with your torch making!