Karla News

Birmingham’s Haunted Sloss Factories

Furnaces, Paranormal Investigators

A famous site in Bimringham, Alabama that seems to be very haunted is the Sloss Furnaces.

These furnaces operated as an iron works in Birmingham for over 90 years. Ironwork is a very dangerous business, and many people died in the furnaces, but only two are known to haunt the place. One is Theophilus Calvin Jowers, assistant foundryman at the Alice Furnace #1, who fell into the furnace and burned to death instantly. All that was left of him to be retrieved was a shoe with a foot in it. He was a proud ironman, and not long after his death, people began to see him walking around, checking to make sure things were being done right, just as he did in life. This went on for more than 20 years, until the furnace was abandoned. Then Jowers began showing up at the other Sloss furnaces. In 1927, for example, Jowers’ son and young grandson viewed him walking through the sparks when the Sloss was tapped, a feat that would have been impossible for any human being.

Another ghost who has been seen at the Sloss Furnaces was not a worker there, but a young girl who was pregnant out of wedlock. She jumped into one of the furnaces and committed suicide. A deer is often seen at the site whenever a crowd is gathered for an event, and some people believe that the deer is the spirit of that girl.

The Sloss factory is a popular site for paranormal investigators and ghost enthusiasts, but should not be visited without permission! It is often used for concerts, and the ghost of a man has been seen walking on the catwalks at these concerts.

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