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Bipolar Disorder Relapse Warning Signs

Manic Episode

A bipolar relapse, according to HealthyPlace.com, occurs when the symptoms of bipolar disorder return after a reprieve, or when the symptoms get worse. One individual can have several relapses over his or her lifespan, and coping with this disease can be easier if you know how to spot the red flags.

The bipolar disorder relapse warning signs will differ from individual to individual, depending on personal history, genetics, body chemistry and a host of other factors. However, there are some symptoms that are more common than others, and it is a good idea to record the symptoms you experience so you know what to look for in the future.

Mania Symptoms

The bipolar disorder relapse warning signs are different depending on whether you experience a manic or depressive episode. In the case of mania, according to Bipolar.com.au, symptoms include both irritability and euphoria. You might feel excited and experience very little desire to sleep, focused more on what you can accomplish.

A bipolar relapse might involve disrupted or incoherent thoughts. You might be filled with new ideas and plans, and you might even start to implement changes in your life without thinking them through. Quitting a job, spending money frivolously and entering into romantic relationships are all possibilities with a bipolar disorder relapse.

Additionally, bipolar disorder relapse warning signs might include changes in speech patterns, such as talking excessively with no real purpose. You might feel compelled to share every thought that pops into your mind whether or not it’s appropriate.

Depression Symptoms

The other side of a bipolar relapse is a depressive episode, which involves different symptoms from a manic episode. In this case, the bipolar disorder relapse warning signs can vary from moderate to severe depression.

See also  What is a Manic Episode?

Sleep disturbance is common in both types of bipolar disorder relapse, but in the case of a depressive episode, insomnia occurs rather than a lack of need for sleep. Chronic fatigue is often a symptom of bipolar relapse, even if sleep is difficult to obtain.

You might also experience periods of hopelessness and difficulty coping with new or difficult situations during a bipolar depression relapse. Depression can impact physician health, so it is important to work closely with clinicians to monitor both mental and physical condition. You might find it difficult to concentrate on normal everyday tasks, and some people experience periods of memory loss.

Any bipolar disorder relapse can be scary and disorienting. It is important to keep track of your bipolar disorder relapse warning signs so you can discuss them with your doctor. This will also make them easier to recognize in the future. If you live with a friend or family member, talking to them about it might also be beneficial.


HealthyPlace.com, Early Warning Signs of a Bipolar Relapse or Oncoming Episode

Bipolar.com.au, Early signs of relapse