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Biological Cell Facts: A Guide for Students


1. The scientist first introduced the term cell : Robert Hooke.

2. The largest cell of the world : Egg of Ostrich.

3. The smallest cell of the world : Mycoplasma gallisepticum (PPLO)

4. The largest cell of plant : a cell of the fibre of a bark of Ramie.

5. The longest cell of the human body : nerve cell

6. The smallest cell of the human body : WBC (lymphocyte).

7. The non-living outer permeable covering of plant cell : cell wall.

8. A plant cell without cell wall (naked cell) : Reproductive cell of the Fern.

9. A plant cell without nucleus : Sieve tube.

10. An animal cell without nucleus : mature human RBC, platelets.

11. A plant cell with many nuclei : Vaucheria.

12. An animal cell with two nuclei : Paramoecium.

13. An animal cell with multinuclei : Opalina, Skeletal muscle cell.

14. A cell can be seen in open eye : egg cell

15. The examples of prokaryotic cell : bacteria and blue green algae, PPLO.

16. The present name of blue green algae : cyanobacteria.

17. Main component of Prokaryotic cell wall : Peptidoglycan.

18. Main component of eukaryotic cell wall : Cellulose

19. The chemical makes the cell wall thick : lignin.

20. The semipermeable membrane outside the protoplasm : plasmamembrane.

21. The outer and inner part of cytoplasm : Ectoplasm and endoplasm

22. Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane proposed by : Nicolson and Singer (1972, University of California).

23.The cytoplasm present around the vacuole : primordial utricle, tonoplast.

24.The cytoplasm of cell body, axon and muscle cell : Neuroplasm, axoplasm, sarcoplasm.

25.The liquid matrix of cytoplasm : hyaloplasm, cytosol.

26. The part of cell known as the brain of a cell : Nucleus.

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27. The outer covering of nucleolus : karyotheca.

28. The fluid inside the nucleus : nucleoplasm or karyolymph or karyoplasm.

29.The part of cell from which ribosomes and RNA are originated :- Nucleolus of Nucleus.

30.The power house of the cell : Mitochondrion.

31.The smallest cell organelle in a cell : Ribosome.

32.The protein factory of the cell : Ribosome.

33. The ribosome present in prokaryotes and eukaryotes : 70 S and 80 S.

34.The metallic ion present in the ribosome : Mg++

35.The cell organelle known as suicidal bag : Lysosome.

36.The cell organelle present in prokaryotes and eukaryotes : Ribosome.

37.The finger like projections present in a Mitochondrion : Cristae.

38.The stalked particles present in the inner membrane and cristae of a mitochondrion : Oxysome or F1 particle or Fenandez moran subunit.

39.The non-stalked particles present in the outer membrane of a mitochondrion : subunit of Person.

40.The cell organelle helps in the animal cell divition : centrosome.

41. The cell organelle helps in the cellular secretions : Golgi complex.

42. The cell organelle helps to form the acrosome of a sperm : Golgi complex.

43. The cell organelle helps in vitellogenesis : Golgi complex.

44. The cell organelle helps to form the tail of a sperm : Centrosome.

45. The cell organelle helps in the formation of basal body of cilia and flagella in animals (ciliogenesis) : centrosome.

46. Two centrioles of a centrosome : diplosome.

47. The golgi bodies of plant cell : dictyosomes.

48. Structures perform inter cellular connections : Plasmodesmata, Desmosomes, gap junctions, tight junctions etc.

49. Stucture from which flagella are originated : basal body or blepheroplast or kinetosome.

50. Structures take part in the production of H2O2 : Peroxisomes.

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51. The octagonal electron dense ring present in nuclear pore : annulus.

52. The grouped form of many ribosomes during Translation or protein synthesis : Polyribosome or Polysome.

53. The flattened sac like unit of a Granum : Thylakoid.

54. The functional unit of chloroplast : granum.

55. The cell organelle helps in the formation of cytoskeleton : ER.

56. The cell organelle of parietal cell of stomach helps in HCl secretion : ER.

57. The special type of cell present in the Neuron : Schwann cell.

58. The vesicles containing Bacteriochlorophyll : Chromatophores

59. The smaller spherical bodies present in each thylakoid : quantosome.

60. The yellow coloured plastids : Xanthoplasts.

61. The brown coloured plastids : Pheoplasts.

62. The red coloured plastids : Rhodoplasts.

63. The colourless plastids : leucoplsts.

64. The orange coloured plastids : carotenoplast.

65. The plastids store starch : amyloplasts.

66. The plastids store protein : proteinoplsts.

67. The plastids store lipid : eleioplasts.

68. The plastids give the colour of flower and fruits : chromoplasts.

69. The cell organelle helps in the formation of primary lysosome : golgi bodies.

70. The cytoplasm of centrosome : centrosphere.

71. One example of Mesokaryotic cell : Dinoflagellate alga.

72. The system related with secretion from cell to outside : GERL.

73. The cell organelle helps in the formation of bones by digestion of cartilages : Lysosomes.

74. The cell organelle helps in the metamorphosis of animals : Lysosomes.

75. The full form of PPLO : Pleuro pneumonia like organisms.

76. The plastid help to maintain the oxygen concentration constant in plants: Chloroplast (contains chlorophyll thus helps in the photosynthesis).

77. A secretory material of plant cell : nectar.

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78. The reserved food material present in the cactus cell : latex.

79. The extended part of cytoplasm helps in the respiration of Bacteria: mesosome.

80. The largest white blood cell : Monocyte.

81. The smallest white blood cell of blood : Lymphocyte.

82. The blood cell with 2-5 lobed nucleus : Neutrophill.

83. The most abundant white blood cell : neutroplhill or polymorphs.

84. The most abundant white blood cell : Basophill.

85. The inclusion of solid sin the cell : Phagocytocis.

86. The inclusion of liquid sin the cell : pinocytosis or cell drinking.

87. Phagocytocis and pinocytosis commonly called : endocytosis.

88. The exclusion of anything to outside the cell : exocytosis.

89. Outer covering outside the plasmamembrane of many animal cell made up of mucopolysaccaride : glycocalyx.

90. The thread like part present in fibrillar zone of nucleolus and made up of ribonucleoprotein : nucleolonema.