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Bigfoot Killed, Kept Frozen: New Information

They did not shoot it and it is not human. – this is one of the assertions made by members of the Bigfoot Trackers team when they appeared as guests on the Bigfoot Live radio show aired on July 30th, 2008. The trackers, who are featured on BigfootTracker.com, were interviewed by Tom Biscardi of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. which produces the show. The team answered questions from Mr. Biscardi as well as from callers phoning in to the show. They offered more detailed information on their claim of discovery and also made an important announcement that will be discussed later in this article.

Estimated more recently at a hight of 8 feet, 8 inches tall, and covered with long, reddish brown hair, the now frozen body is said to weigh in the range of 400-600 pounds.The creature is reportedly a large, bipedal primate with both human and ape-like characteristics. The Bigfoot Tracker’s explanation is that they found the body of the Bigfoot while hiking cross-country in the mountains of north Georgia. They state that they had video and still cameras with them and recorded the episode, and that the footage and photographs are intended to be released on DVD which will be available via their website, possibly after September 1st.

According to the trackers, the Bigfoot or Sasquatch was dead for probably two days, most likely from a wound in the lower right abdomen. The hole is fairly small and the nature of the wound is not yet known. Previous speculation on the cause of death, though plausible, has not yet been confirmed or counter-indicated by an autopsy. Although it could be a bullet wound, no bullet has yet been located in the body. The trackers insist that they did not kill the Bigfoot, but merely discovered the body. The body had passed beyond the stage of rigor mortis, according to Mr. Dyer. Removal of the body by six persons took one-and-a- half days over about seven miles of rugged terrain, deep in the woods, according to the intrepid trackers. Mr. Dyer, who is a Corrections Officer by profession, stated that the bodily remains are now in a hidden location and can be relocated easily if necessary.

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Consequent to their announcements of the discovery on their website and on YouTube video posts, there has been a surge of interest by the communications media, Bigfoot/Sasquatch researchers and their organizations, as well as private individuals. Currently most of the response to the Bigfoot Tracker’s claims has been negative and questioning the veracity of the statements. The members of the team have endured harassing phone calls, emails, and even death threats, according to the trackers. An offer of ten million dollars was reportedly offered to purchase the body, and the offer was declined by the trackers. Due to the unprecedented response and intense interest on the topic, the Bigfoot Trackers contacted Mr. Biscardi and made an announcement on the live Internet radio show, Bigfoot Live.

Officer Dyer made the invitation to Tom Biscardi to visit the Bigfoot Trackers in Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday, August 2nd, to investigate the claim and view the recovered remains first-hand. Mr. Biscardi accepted the offer and stated that he would assist the trackers in the public exposition of the find and help make arrangements to eventually involve professionals to perform an autopsy, and scientifically examine and access the specimen in the due course of time.

Mr. Biscardi, of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., has considerable resources, contacts and associates in the Sasquatch/Bigfoot research community, as well as in the media and entertainment industries, and is uniquely positioned to lend assistance and publicly verify the claims of the Bigfoot Trackers if they prove to be viable.

In the event that the reported corpse of the frozen Bigfoot becomes available for intensive scientific testing and analysis, the findings will have far-reaching consequences in many fields, including anthropology, genetics, physiology, medical research, primatology, the conservation of species and the natural environment. Results will engender legal issues involving trapping and hunting of the creatures. There will be a a strong influence on dialogs and debates involving religion, philosophy, the theory of evolution and the creationist hypothesis. If verified, the specimen of a complete corpse of a Sasquatch or Bigfoot would rank as one of the major scientific discoveries of the 21st century.

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The actual recovery and exposition of a Sasquatch or Bigfoot, although verifying the existence of such a being, would be only a starting point for classification, research and eventual conservation efforts by the scientific community. If the claims are true, an enormous amount of resources and human effort will be expended by professional and amateurs alike in investigations of the creatures and their interaction with the environment.

The entire context of the radio interview, archived on the Bigfoot Live website, can be accessed by clicking on the link listed in the Resources section below.


Bigfoot Live Internet Radio website
Bigfoot Tracker website
Searching for Bigfoot website